Kicking people from Dungeons

Because people would afk at the start of dungeons and the rest of the group would be down someone be it a tank/healer or one of the dps.

Right but it cant be too many people doing it since i never seen it happen , but now people are using the system to kick others for personal reasons

What if i prefer Camels?

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The issue is, If you remove it then whatā€™s stopping the afkers from just doing it again, I get what you are saying and I do find it petty that people do that. However having no option to remove a troublemaker would be just as bad. The issue is how would we deal with people kicking for ā€œLol gnomeā€ when the kick would go through prior to any admin being able to look at it? Show the reason for kick to the one kicked and they report it to an admin? The same ones who say every kick is valid despite the meme reasoning?

Blizzard has said hereā€™s the tool you do with it what you will and dusted their hands of it.

Itā€™s all the tanks who overpull and the healers who ninja afk.

People would benefit from the understanding that this is not DF. The reason tank and healer receive prestige is because they are difficult to play.

yeahā€¦thats not gonna happen with this Bored/Dumb sort in the game. lol
Theyre miserable with their pathetic lives and project that misery out onto others here and in game

I mean come on really ? All major events people AFK and theres no problem, dungeons new players cant even finish cuz they get kicked,


yeahā€¦I just put that lying sort on ignore. lol.
I dont believe for a second ANYONE telling me they havent seen vote kicks come up in game.
100% lying and they know it.

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Iā€™d be happy if they just ended the 30m penalty for getting vote kicked. Couldnā€™t care less about punishing cretins, I donā€™t want to waste my time on them. I donā€™t say a word in random dungeons. Iā€™ve been kicked 2-3 times in the past couple of expansions, for no reason whatsoever, and that 30m penalty is awful

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I mean I guess by Major event you are referring to open world events? If so that is like 40+ people compared to a team of 5. 2 people go afk in a 40+ world event is a lot less noticeable than a bear tank sat at the start of the dungeon.

seems like Ion and crew finally figured out the majority of players are sick of these trolls in game so gave us two great new options for running solo to avoid the game ruining degenerates

its really not noticeable in LFD when theres 4 people instead of 5 lmao

Being kicked is enough.
The timeout ONLY affects the NON trolls anyway
IF I wanted to keep trolling groups, Id just log into another character and do it again and again to ride out the clock on other characters.

Only players who get kicked for no good reason are the ones actually punished by that stupid timeout

If you say so, But if there are no classes that can swap to a tank role then what? Healer tank? I donā€™t get your point tbh. Iā€™ve said I agree with you but for the 400th topic on this this past week. Nobody has come up with a solution to the issue other than removing the kick system. Feel like we are just missing the forest for the trees here.

Well if someone is AFK for 5 mins, auto remove from group like BGs ?

Nice if it were removed but if notā€¦a 6 hour CD on kicking once youve participated in a kick.
If one needs more than one kick in 6 hours one might be that common denominator weā€™re always hearing about in here.

if you have a 6 hour CD, you might actually save that kick for someone who is actually needing to be kicked

Simple, They move for 1 sec prevents the kick. However requiring them to enter combat would be a better solution however again they could just cast one frostbolt and stand there to counter it.

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A cooldown would be a nice idea or a daily limit.

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Ive tried running thru all the simple optionsā€¦but making players NOT want to waste them seems to be the way to go.
The CD would both restrict the desire to just blow their kicks, and keeps them from abusing too many players if theyre in a trolling mood.

Ive seen a LOT of bogus kicks in this game. LIterally THE reason I stopped healing for the degenerates.

Iā€™ve luckily never been kicked from my memory I tend to leave out of shame if I cause a wipe lmao, However I have seen my fair share of kick reasons being ā€œlolā€.

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