Kicking people from Dungeons

easy remedy that would slow down the bogus kicks is having a 6 hour CD on the kick.
Once youve initiated or voted yes, you dont get to start or participate in any kicks for 6 hours.
If they know they cant kick all day long for fun, they’ll learn to save it for someone that actually NEEDS to be kicked.

If theyre kicking more than that, I’d say they are the common denominator.


I’d have to agree. Nobody ends up with a troll in every other group. It’s more likely they are the :poop: in all of those punchbowls than it is that they actually needed to kick 5 different people.


Ironically someone could say in here that Ive personally whined about hating PUGS and how bad they are…but it was the vote kicking for no good reason that was 99.999% of the problem I have with them

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damned if they do damned if they don’t . we have early leavers , debuff , we have vote kicked people , you are still complaining . this community needs a spanking

There’s not much Blizz can do honestly.

Say they implement a similar system to FFXIV with LFG, you leave you get a penalty (but this increases with every leave, it resets at a point but can’t remember when). Instead of vote kick, majority of group has to vote to quit the Dungeon.

Great system honestly, but it only works because FFXIV also has a much more strict ToS and CoC.

WoW’s ToS/CoC is too lenient and Blizz clearly wants nothing to do with it, so they won’t be changing anything unless another mass exodus happens (SL). Quite frankly if that happens, it wouldn’t be because of dungeon finder in the first place… so it’ll never change.

Im almost certain ye messed up something somehow.
I have been spamming dungeons annd nit once has anyone even tried too kick someonelse.

We’ve done this a number of times recently, I’ll just link this here: Blizzard can you look into my Last dungeon Ara - Kara - did i deserve that vote kick?

And how do you expect it to be fixed?

There’s no algorithm or programatic answer to determine if a vtk is justified or not.

And honestly, not sure where all this “kicking from dungeons” thing is coming from anyways, I haven’t seen it once (aside from a DC) this entire expansion and I’ve done a ton of dungeons.

I mean it’s supposed to be a pandemic right now and I haven’t seen it once.

It just smells like more general discussions melodrama.

I have seen several attempts at VtKs for no apparent reason in my time in randoms in TWW. They’ve mostly been unsuccessful though. Because I usually run with my wife and we can help make sure they fail.

I’ve even had someone attempt to VtK her. Likely seeing that we were in the same guild and trying to get us to kick each other. Wouldn’t have been any reason for that one that I could tell either.

In my experience it’s pretty clear that it is something people use to try to troll others in randoms. I’m also not sure how it’s so hard to believe. You give the internet a tool and it’s going to find ways to misuse it and when a change is made a new form of misuse generally replaces the last one.

Now, I’m not saying I have solutions or that there is much they can do, I’m just saying

  1. This is what I’ve seen.
  2. The internet is going to internet.
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You might just have either not been around long enough yet, or just lucky. I’ve been kicked for dumb reasons twice so far.

Once in WoD because they thought Holy Paladin was a dumb spec and said so in chat, and once in Shadowlands where on my first time in Mists I pulled an unnecessary pack at the start and was immediately kicked (Normal dungeon, not mythic).

Having a party block only count for a single vote would probably go a long way toward weeding out the super dumb ones where sane people get peer pressured into just following their friend’s dumb ideas.


Go run Follower Dungeons,



Make some friends, join a guild, do dungeons with people you know and you won’t get kicked. You don’t even need a full party of familiars… a random can’t kick you without majority vote and as long as you and your 2 buddies don’t also want to kick you, you get to stay and continue messing up the dungeon until those randoms get frustrated enough to leave on their own.

I hate this so much. I’d rather help players through learning moments than punish them for making a mistake.

If we helped each other in dungeons more, it’d be beneficial for the community as a whole.

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Be a new player, be a disabled player, be just less good or slow and it will happen a lot to you.

Look, I have been kicked maybe two times since the LFR / LFD exists. But I saw people being kicked for completely dumb reasons and this does happen in maybe 4 out of 10 runs.

It is way too easy to kick someone from a public group. It´s a random group so people should learn to respect and accept other personalities. Nobody loses anything if a slower tank pulls, if a new players asks for the way or if someone does less damage.

I hear ya. BUT, it is utter bullcrap that victims of irrational kickage get penalized because =some arrogant fools think they re something special

Im talking about this xpac havent seen a single one. You basically have too do something incredibly stupid too actually get kicked.

That’s the best response to every thread ever made about this topic.

I wiped a few times on Dawnbreaker dungeon, and lucky for me the players were patient with me because it was my first time there and I didn’t know the mechanics.

Once I got the hang of it we finished the dungeon, but I was really surprised I wasn’t kicked.

It was kind of a Vanilla throwback for me, meaning good people still play this game.

I just want to know what was the reason for vote kick system to be added and if thats same reason why people kick people in dungeons