Kicking people from Dungeons

I think you butthurt spam posters on kick posts should get over it and quit being so fragile

I donā€™t.

No lol.


ā€œwe need btags for 'accountabliity so abusive people cant hideā€

ā€œwe need to hide behind a vote kick panel so no one can see who kicked them for no good reasonā€

The entertaining hypocrisy on this forum never gets old. lmao

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You do.

Yes. lol.

Are you even playing this expansion or are you still just coasting on paid time to be a forum troll?

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lordā€¦you still wasting good brain cell time responding to that one? lmao


I do, what?

Yes, what?


You know there are like 50,000 versions of this game, right lol?

Opinion entirely disregarded.

Go back to the catgirls bro.

I didnā€™t even know it didnā€™t show my name to other people on the vote kick thing. Every time I started one, and it wasnā€™t often, I openly admitted to it. And Iā€™ve never seen as many kicks as people in the forums keep saying are happening. Wtf are people who get kicked a lot doing?

Havenā€™t been kicked since Legion.

But I regularly undercut unjustified kicks in randoms just to irritate the trolls.

Not my fault your garbage post didnā€™t get anywhere lol.

Breh itā€™s the WoW forums. Iā€™m not doing this for Elonbux.

Who cares?

Clearly you lol.

I so rarely even see votes being started. Wtf is going on in your runs than?

what makes me giggle is how daddy blizzard canā€¦with straight face mind youā€¦give us that asinine Social Contract jammed into our facesā€¦FORCED to sign under penalty of not being able to play the game at allā€¦THEN allow behavior that CLEARLY defies said social contract by not only allowing players to be have their game time wasted by bogus vote kicksā€¦BUT THEN blizzard themselves literally ENABLEā€¦CONDONE and literally ENCOURAGE the ANTI Social Contract behavior by telling them ā€œit cant be abusedā€ lmaoā€¦which by default says ā€œdo what you want, no matter how much it is against the social contract you agree toā€ when theyre not calling out players who kick for NO reason whatsoeverā€¦as MANY of them have paraded theyre allowed to do in these many threads, lmao.

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The internet has a tool in front of it.

The internet is going to use that tool for the purposes that most amuse it.

The people that act like theyā€™ve never seen a VtK in a random are as hyperbolic as the people that say they get kicked in every run.

Conversely, I saw kicks against other players so damned much I stopped healing for the degenerates over it.
I wonderā€¦whose version of reality here means moreā€¦yours or mine?

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Am I somehow not using the internet in my runs? Because Iā€™ve seen one I didnā€™t initiate since tww launched, and I initiated one.

Low level, low gear score, text in box saying garbage damage lol", ā€œbā€, ā€œasfghdgahjā€, ā€œbot (when clearly they are not)ā€, ā€œDonā€™t need doublesā€ etc etc

i have seen a LOT of vote kicks this expac its just most of the people ā€œnotā€ reporting on them are majority not the ones being kicked lol

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Iā€™ve initiated one as well.

Iā€™ve seen at least 5 that were prompted during runs with zero issues.

One gave the reason ā€œlolā€

To me? Mine. To you yours, of course, but that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t think itā€™s dramatic nonsense lol