Kicking people from Dungeons

I’m not sure I’ve ever initiated a vote kick. But you know that because I’ve told you, and you responded to me when I did.

Also I find it funny that were the roles reversed you’d be screeching about me following you right now.

Did you really though?

Said some mumbo jumbo about your “solution” and something about a checklist instead of text options? Do we get to know who initiated? Or are we really just vote kicking based upon nothing (aka “checklist options”).

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go troll someone else for attention son…you aint getting mine

It is, vote kicking someone based upon a basic list or reasons alone is… lacking.

We still also fail to remedy the main problem which is the ability to ignore people we’ve had unpleasant experiences with entirely.

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you dont get people defending this kind of thing THIS adamantly unless THEY KNOW THEY ARE the offenders in the matter. ol

…and if they dont want to tell us the kick initiators name, put a button there to ignore their account so the miserable isnt grouped with us again in randoms.

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You can ignore anyone you have negative experiences with. You don’t need to know who initiated a vote kick to do this; the negative experiences won’t have anything to do with the vote kick feature.

This is the last time I’m entertaining your repeated refusal to read what I’ve said to you.

I’m fighting the good fight actally. I have noticed others initiating unjust kicks and have had it happen to me as well though it didn’t suceed. I’ll be making it an issue when I see it happen in the future as well.

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No I’ll be calling it out before moving on in the dungeon if I think someone is mis-using the vote kick.

I’m not going to go full Karen reporting and ignoring everyone, that’s not a “good” solution either.

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You can do whatever you want, so I’m not really sure what you’re saying “no” about.

Im sorry…no, thats what I meant…the ones you are responding to are defending the behavior so fervently that you know THEY ARE abusing the feature.

Theyre way too interested in reminding us they can kick for NO REASON whatsoever and its “not against the rules”, as they say, to not be doing exactly that.

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I’ll be the one going full Karen, lol.

  • Put the the three who werent removed on ignore…they clearly are the three it took to kick.
  • tell them to find a new healer while theyre at it…hope it doesnt take 20 minutes lmao.

Ive done it before, Im sure I’ll do it again.

  • if i thought a report would get anything done to them, Id report them twice.
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I just don’t like the idea of ignoring multiple people for the actions of one. But this is apparently going to be the only way I can really ignore the problem.

I have to jump through extra hoops and ignore more people due to lack of information that should be provided when a vote kick is initiated.

I can’t even remember the last time I vote kicked, it’s just not needed the majority of the time, especially not in the trivial gated content we’re doing atm. If people are anonymously abusing it for funsies that’s a pretty big L for the wow community in general and the system needs to be better at minimizing “unjust” kicks or at least giving players the tools to make an informed choice.

I’ve been the target, doing 1st or 2nd dps most pulls through out the dungeon and just before the last boss there was a vote kick on me for being “afk”. They shot their shot and missed though because there was no basis to initiate the kick in the first place. I finished the dungeon and basically told “which ever of the three it could have been” what I thought of em.

Now lets look at the other side of what could have happened. If I wasn’t performing very well or made a minor error during the dungeon… Lets say… more people decided to side with the vote kick and/or even just mis-clicked through it quickly to get the notification off the middle of their screen. Technically not only would I have gotten booted from the group, I would have been given an insulting debuff, lost out on loot from the last boss and not gotten a majority of valor after doing almost the entire dungeon. On top of all that, I’d have to manually try to ignore multiple people. How does any of that sound fair?

I don’t vote kick, ignore or report people (on the forums/in game) so It’s awkward to think of the snowball effect and the amount of issues a person can have from actually being unjustly removed from a group. Being unable to easily identify who is the problem due to lack of information which should be provided is unacceptable.

I will halt all future runs if I believe there’s anyone trying to toy with someone who’s clearly pulling their weight/trying their best.

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Even the circus muppet clown tank who was trying to kick three other players over the course of the dungeon we were in…we didnt kick him like we should have.

If I SEE the kickable behavior with my own eyes, then I’ll vote to kick…which is rare given I allow for people to make what are obviously mistakes without acting like a petulant child about it as some do.

MOST of the abuse I see in 5 man runs IS the vote kick crap.
Without that, I think Id actually enjoy dungeon running again.

The only other thing that Id say is a problem is tanks overpulling causing wipes…or DPS pulling for the tank causing wipes…but that seems to be a variable thing that doesnt always cause problems so I can be little more forgiving about that than the circus muppets who kick for no valid reason at all.

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I’ll be completely honest.

I’ve seen (or known about) four vote kicks since the expansion began.

One was a simple player “afk”, I initiated the vote.

One was an unjust kick on another player and I just hit “no” and didn’t really think to say anything at the time… the group just carried on and finished.

One was a tank who pulled everything to the first boss three times in a heroic and wiped the group three times. Someone else initiated a vote “Really?” and we booted him.

And the one I’ve been most vocal about, an unjust kick attempt against myself that didn’t pass. Which I would have been blissfully ignorant about if I wasn’t playing in the dungeon with another person.

I don’t know exactly how to fix it all, but we are enabling it with anonymity.


lol…Ive seen them kick…or try to kick…when the person theyre kicking literally was highest on Details…lmao.
I dont think ive ever seen a kick that was FOR ‘low dps’. never seen that come up that I remember off hand.


If you’re being a productive member of the group, it is harassment even if you don’t know about it. For the single player there’s no recourse if you’re clueless and if you’re a casualty of anonymity so be it. Character name needs to be associated with this broken “feature” vote kicking shouldn’t be done secretly and if you’re actually playing with another person it’s not really a complete secret anymore is it? We see these people and they’re abusing things… with the potential to abuse it more. It won’t go away as easily if we have insufficient tools to make an informed choice. Who initiated is actually more important than why… an attentive player would see an obvious kick coming. These random ones out of the blue are sketchy as all get out.


I agree. If you are willing to initiate a vote kick you should be willing to put your name to it. If you are doing it for good reason then nobody is going to care and the person in question as a subject of the vote STILL NEVER SEES IT.

Why does the accountability crowd hate this form of accountability?

Are you afraid the group is going to turn around and kick you after you tried to troll them?

Well, good.


I’ve been running dungeons in several characters since tww launched and I’ve seen 2 people get kicked.