Kicking people from Dungeons

I dont believe T there…or any others like them…when they claim they dont see vote kicks come up…sorry. I know a lie when I see one lol

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Why would I even lie about this? lol

You hear that sound?
thats me…seriously not give a bucket of urine and feces about your view on the matter. :+1:


Forum people are weird.

Why would anyone lie to protect their anonymous route of trolling people?

It’s almost like the internet is going to internet.


easy…edgelord attentiontroll.
And here I am falling for it.
I’ll fix that rght this second 22 post…

Wtf kind of reality you people live in lol

“We need btags for the forums”


“We need character names attached to vote kicks”



This is my main bro, go ahead and do me the favor of ignoring in game

easy conclusion…same names supporting both.
They want “accountability” for everyone but themselves.

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On all three of their accounts. Which is why they would be fine with btags.

Because they have a spare to troll on.

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isnt it hilarious how many vote kick threads we’ve seen in the last 10 days and then the circus muppets keep coming into them saying they dont happen WHILE theyre literally telling us all theyre ALLOWED to kick for any reason…or no reason? lmao.

Literally admitting they abuse the intent of the system while theyre saying it doesnt happen. lmao.

total entertainment in here just reading this deranged crap most days. lol

“its ok to lie, cheat and steal”
“lying, cheating and stealing doesnt happen”

now…can we hear something like that and then believe that person ISNT the one doing the lying cheating and stealing themselves? lol


It’s impossible to abuse the system, the other people in the group would have to go along with it. At that point it’s just the majority agreeing lol.

Also, I never said kicks don’t happen. In fact, I would have zero issue trying to vote kick you at any time lol.

Sabbia when we want to talk about FFXIV someone will put food in your catgirl’s bowl.

Until then just listen for the sound of your dish being filled.


I’ve been playing WoW longer than anyone in the thread lol.

go troll someone else for attention son…
Being triggered by something I said kinda implies you know I am right.

I’m not sure you know what the word “triggered” means lol.

I mean you’ve been subscribed to it for longer than anyone in the thread. Playing might be a different story.

Depends on the definition of playing, and what version.

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Look I actually like you. So I’m going to apologize for my attitude and drop it there.