Kicked player gets the 30 min timer exploit

You can do that, and if they want to they will kick you, sometimes they just do it for fun, there is no reasoning or logic behind it, its a toxic system and there is no real solution.

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The thing is they decided to pull the next pack without me or the shaman(shaman dced)

I’m pretty sure they booted me because they wiped on a trash pack and not because I was “afk” for “2 minutes”

The 2 minutes is an exaggeration as it doesn’t take that long to reload obviously. Regardless I’m glad to be done with dungeons for now.

I wasn’t afk.
If I had to go afk I wouldn’t queue the dungeon or I would just leave. It’s not rocket science

That is incredibly rare that someone just kicks for fun. I’ve played this game for many years and I’ve never seen it.

What’s more likely is that you think you were kicked for no reason, but the reality is you were playing poorly or something. Sometimes people like to diminish their own shortcomings so that they can shift blame onto everyone else.

You can think that if you like, I’ve had it happen twice, after never experiencing it for 15 years, but all of a sudden WotLK Classic was toxic.


Yes, I will continue to do so until evidence sways me otherwise. I listen to evidence and logic.

Can you elaborate on what exactly happened?

Sure, I was in a 5man Gamma TOC, we were on the last boss, I was top damage, interrupts and even did a substantial amount off-healing, I said focus the kicks on the boss and swap to the demon summon.

After we wiped I said:

Literally I quote “we gotta keep kicking her heals while burning down the summon”

I was kicked, I asked why, they replied “just unlucky”.

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What does “just unlucky” mean?

Who knows, that was the reasoning I was given, so really the only logic was there is maybe they got unreasonably upset or just trolled.


If you are in it long enough then you don’t get any sort of debuff after a kick and can queue right back up. Happened to me one when I was a terrible tank. I got kicked way into the dungeon. Queued back up and
popped right back in the group. They couldn’t kick anyone again for a while so we completed it. 0 wipes but I was going too slow for them to like.

Many years ago. Still remember it. Do they still have it in game to where if you have been in a dungeon long enough you don’t get the debuff from getting kicked or did they remove that feature and you always get a debuff no matter how long you’ve been in?

That was 10+ years ago and I earned it by not being a good tank. 99% of the time, you get kicked, you earned it. It never comes out of the blue with zero reason to it.

Well, I am not saying it didn’t happen and it is not happening but twice in 15 years? I don’t think I’d make much of a fuss about it.

Not making a fuss about it, just adding to the discussion as it does happen and there is no reasoning for it when it happens.


I don’t think anyone is saying it never happenes, well of course it does. Humans are humans and so some do things that are just nonsense to down right jaw dropping stupid

I personally don’t think it is happening as much as others would like to think it is. Apparently, Blizzard is reading these forums (though they don’t comment) and if they thought it was an issue they’d change it
 They have the actual numbers and stats.

I dunno, Obviously I don’t think its happening to the point where its daily or even weekly, as I only ran into the issue twice out of 15 years, I do agree the vast majority of the time there is a reason for it.


I was kicked because I asked a shaman not to roll need on elementium lock boxes.

Player base is just disgusting.

In a regular last night, war died twice, but as someone who mains healer i recognized some of the problems. First death he pulled a group and got low did not use any defensive cooldowns and died.

Second he legit LoS the healer and died. We cleared the dungeon, but then he curses the priest out, like what?

You died twice, we never wiped because everyone was a gamer and my core hound picked up threat and we lived. Like chill out.

Its double annoying because its wow and its an old game and these players are likely adults, its freaking sad.


i get kcked whewn teha monnt up fpr grags amd 30 min pentlyfor leaaveing GM domse nothing thye favor the onmes do it

I agree with the 30min timer if you leave the group. However I don’t agree with receiving the full 30 min. timer if you get kicked mainly because I’ve seen first hand many people get kicked for no good reason.

On the other hand if you had a good reason to kick (e.g., somebody obviously leaching and or not willing to be a team player) you would not want to kick them, have them re-queue and then wind up back in your group
 it has happened.

Maybe reduce the debuff for kicked players?

And on top of that the reputation factions.
Just do their questlines until at least friendly (better up to the point you only get daylies anymore, much faster than farming all the rep in dungeons), get the Tabard and spam highlvl dungeons for justice points and rep vendor items.

I wanted to farm justice points for heirlooms and didnt know that bosses in HC also give them, thus i spammed normal dungeons.

Between JP items and the rep items i reached item level 346 without a single item from HCs

I’ll be honest.
The occasional bad experience is unavoidable.

I’ve had some really bad experiences.
But I’ve also queued for very many pugs over the years.
And while the bad experiences leave a bitter taste in the mouth, they really are rare.

Unless you’re the kind of person who gets worked up by other players who don’t perform at top-tier competitive level, it’ll be fine most of the time.
Pugs will always be a mixed bag.
Don’t go in expecting too much, and let the experiences sharpen your skills at dealing with the unexpected. :wink: