Kicked player gets the 30 min timer exploit

I think the idea is that if you’re so disruptive that you get kicked before the first boss dies, you probably need a bigger wake up call.

So many toxic players in this game. It’s rather sad to see. Yet to be kicked from a group as tank but I guess it’s something to look forward too. Sad how toxic some humans can be. They must have bad lives.

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no shot lol. retail is the game on bnet that says “world of warcraft” i strictly play “cataclysm classic” and “world of warcraft classic”

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Okay there. When its for no reason half the time.

The amount of kicks ive seen just after a few pulls for someone being “bad” was actually shokcing.

Except kicks are never for “no reason”.

They may not be a good reason, but a bad, unjustified reason is still a reason…

It’s alright, keep the trash.

I’m not worried anymore :slight_smile:

At the end of the day, majority rules in LFD. It is not YOUR group. If the majority wants you out, then you’re out.

The best way to exist within this design is to be friendly, helpful, and competent at your role.

It’s okay, I won’t even be going anymore.

Don’t need to keep shillin.

This no longer exists. People still getting kicked regardless of how nice or friendly you are.


If you took 2 + minutes then yeah, I would have voted to boot you as well. Never get into a dungeon or raid unless I am ready to go. If real life things come up, then take the debuff and deal with real life stuff. None of this is difficult to understand.

If you’re going afk you type /afk which auto removes you from the dungeon. You can queue again when you’re ready to actually play the game.

It sucks, and I dont think its always been there, bc people would afk/troll or even ask to be kicked to avoid the leaver timer. So its a bit of a catch 22.

I don’t think that’s happening at a significant rate. So far, from the anecdotes in this thread, people are being kicked for playing badly or being AFK.

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And that makes it okay to put the power in the toxic peeps.

Wow no shot bro bro :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face: no shot says my favorite streamer :nerd_face:

I know people have been kicked for loot. e.g. Tank autokicks all plate DPS. Or kicking right before final boss for orbs.

Also know more than one person who has been kicked for pointing out the tank was multi-boxing two dps.

Toxic is a matter of perspective.

I find you to be quite toxic.

Indeed to the people around here.

They killed Classic.

Were you in the dungeon with them?