Kicked player gets the 30 min timer exploit

Would like to know the reasoning you can get kicked from a group and you get a thirty minute timer vrs only if you abandoned group . seems to impower toxic leaders to abuse their authority and kick anyone they see fit for no reason . when you got them in que with dungeon finder ? If you are not aware of this hack plz address it if you care about your player base .


I don’t think you know what an exploit is.

This isn’t even a bug, it’s working as intended. Feel free to complain about it, but it is in no way an exploit.


because they can smell the retail player


indeed, just got to ilvl for heroics, little low on the damage but avoid mechanics, don’t die, ect.

butbeen kicked like 4-5 times out of 10 dungeons. i legit cant get better gear because of this… guy dying every fight but 3rd on dps? he can stay though…

so yeah, being kicked shouldn’t have a timer attached…


Yeah it might not be an EXPLOIT but it sure is being abused and it wasn’t an intentional change. They wanted to stop people from leaving after the first boss to try to go around the specific queue lockout and now people are just being punished because of the change.


it was 100% intentional so that players wouldnt be jerks to get kicked from a dungeon they didnt like and avoid a leaver penalty. so yea you cant abuse something that is being used as intended.


Wrong, people that did nothing wrong are getting 30 minute deserter and that isnt intentional.


yes it is because people would use the kick system to get kicked from dungeons they dont like and avoid a leavers penalty. you can disagree with it all you want it doesnt change that it was intentional


100%, as a tank id just sit there tell they kicked me.

We’re you 4th lowest DPS?

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Is RDF realm independent or ot preferably matches you to your realm? Because if we’re all in the same random queue, it’s wild seeing people here claim they were personally kicked in half their runs whereas I have been running around 100 dungeon runs since release as a very average DPS or healer and have only seen 1-2 kicks, due to people being truly AFK. In comparison people drop group voluntarily quite often if they are frustrated from a wipe or didn’t get their item from a boss.

Like I wouldn’t mind the penalty timer to be less for a kick than voluntarily deserting, but I also noticed kicks are much rarer now than in last phase of WOTLK. I assume they will get more prevalent later in the expac though, when there will be greater disparities in gear among people matched by the tool.


Wasn’t asking for people to kick each other a method people used to avoid the abandon debuff? Or was that not implemented until a later xpac?

Awful system. I specific queue halls of origination. We kill the first boss no problem. I tell the group I need to reload my ui. Not even 2 minutes and I’m back, the group wipes as I return. I start casting mass rez, group kicks me and I have dungeon deserter and I’m locked out for the day of that dungeon…like what?


Is the groups i was kicked from yesterday :joy:. In normal groups it’s been fine. It’s usually groups of 3-4 guild members in high ilvl gear trying to go fast that are kicking because my damage was lacking as a fresh ilvl req for heroics. It’s gotten better as my gear has gone up, but it’s still super dumb. There is always gonna be someone in 4th. If there actively doing the mechanics, kicking/kidneying the heals/spells it shouldn’t be an issue.

It was legit we would finish the first or second boss fight with no issues and I would just see the loading screen…

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That has to be one of the most flawed ways of thinking XD

Because our toxic community is being toxic to get removed from groups. We will instead give the power to the toxic peeps XD.

Much better then just randomly leaving after a boss indeed.

They could also be kicking you for the orb. If they can handle the rest of the run by themselves after they have voted to kick you then they could choose not to replace. Then since it’s four guild members they have control over all of the loot.

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2 Minutes to reload ui? That should take 30 secs max.

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My experiences are similar to yours. Usually I only see people getting kicked for AFK/DC or pulling like sub-6k DPS.

While yes, occasionally you might run into the 4-stack guild group that kicks so they can ninja loot or snag a chaos orb, or sometimes egos will clash and lead to an unwarranted kick, but those situations are comparatively rare and if it’s happening something outrageous like 50% of the time the “victim” is probably doing some obnoxious behavior like constantly pulling before the tank or rolling need on everything.


and how do you determine if a vote kick was used maliciously against someone who “did nothing wrong” versus was used for its intended purpose of removing someone from the group after a majority vote?

this change was a direct result of healers and tanks holding the group hostage at the start of a dungeon because they didn’t like it or didn’t need anything from them. this was done because back in the day the heroic dungeons were so overtuned that it was almost impossible to get one done without using multiple CCs on each trash pack and thanks to the random function of the group finder you might not have gotten enough CC.

Once upon a time there was no timer for kicked people. Less reputable members of our community would get heroics that they did not care for and say “kick me” and then go afk. This was particularly common among tanks because they could just instantly get groups until they got a heroic they wanted.

Sad that it came to it, but we all knew it would.