Kicked player gets the 30 min timer exploit

more like it doesn’t incentivize people to be toxic since it is the third option is no punishment and then there is no reason to not be toxic. take your poison.

It’s amazing how eye opening the forums are XD.

Well lets hope they add some kind of CD or DR or something to the kick option. I see that getting worse for this community.

I’d take the waiting for another person leaving after the first boss instead of giving a 30 min “no play” power to this very loving community. Imagine you say 1 thing wrong.

Could be the 5th with blood dks doing 70k dps on trash and a geared disc priest.


This makes me not want to pug, but at the same time, the big guilds I’m in never talk or group together. So really it’s a catch 22, and it makes me NOT wanna even play the game.

The sweaty neckbeard tryhards just ruin everything they touch.

Sadly they exist everywhere. In all games and in all things in life. Trust me you can never escape them.

doesn’t matter if i was reloading ui, taking a dump or doing anything. Doesn’t change the the results of what happened at all

No offense, but as one streamer put it…

You’re all retail players now.

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It aint a hack. Its a skill issue. Dont do content outside your skill level = no kick

So someone who can do mechanics and dps at once? Ive seen you classic Andys try to do badic retail content and complain “its too hard”

it is a hack and wonder why peopple solo so much cause joining a group is not worth it no more


Most places don’t enable them though.

Totally right. You slowed down the group, you paid the consequences.

I don’t approve of that particular kick if you said reloading ui and did so (2 mins tho wtf), but it does matter if you do other personal business and make people wait for you. Tank/Heals/dps even, you’re all replaceable.

Got into a fun group on my fresh ret paladin last night. I walk into a pissing match between the tank and the healer. Both sides in pairs apparently and I was bombarded with whispers from both sides. I made my choice of server peeps vs Faeralina and tank over healer… and got the obligatory nasty whisper from the kicked player. Guess I made the right choice. The friend had to be kicked too because they wouldn’t just leave, nor participate. Too bad, so sad, 30 min penalty for them both.

Cool!!!cool beans lol

of course you can, normals give JP, there are BGs and also crafting, or you can swipe and buy a carry for a raid.

Ive havent been dumped yet, but I did abandon a group recently and got the 30 minute thing . So just hopped on another toon for a while. Reason for abandoning? Tank couldnt hold agro from dps or me and got us smoked! Im getting clobbered trying to heal everybody including myself? Well worth the 30 minutes, love the game , alot of fun FUN I stress!!!¡ ENJOY the GAME!!!

Since the inception of LFD I can count on 1 hand the amounts of time I’ve been kicked from a group unjustly. If you are getting booted enough to justify coming here and griping about it I’d imagine you are the problem …not the system.

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This sounds exactly what happened to me.
I normally just run w/guildies but thought I could sneak in one or two during lunch - that was a no go.

Tank was ok but not as good as he thought he was. DPS standing in worm boss/shards among other things, hunter pulling mobs to ok tank so I just clicked cya. Got debuff, didn’t care, went to go do tolbarad dailies

Never had a problem.

How about when you use random dungeon finder, get grouped with a guy mirror multiboxong with 3 chars insta kick you so he gets more exp and the bonus for clearing the last boss. Was super fun load into dungeon get kicked 30 secs later

Kicking someone from a group isn’t toxic.