Got kicked, after killing a boss, still got the debuff lol

So I’m in Deadmines, we get a tank that feels like Cata is retail and goes pulling everything. I’m still in low 333/some greens. We survive, but at the second boss he pulls the whole saw room + boss.
We wipe, I tell him “tank, this isn’t retail bro” (literal words). Mage starts taunting me with “yeah, you can’t pull 3 mobs!” and I get kicked.

I’m fine with being kicked, can’t control the @hole in the person, but why do I get a debuff if I have in fact killed one boss already?


The debuff is a double edged sword that causes a lot of collateral damage. We need it to stop people, especially tanks, from just quitting a group because they dont like the dungeon. But at the same time its ridiculous that 3 people in a guild can kick you out of a pug because you’re the same class as one of them, and then you get a debuff on top of it.

Getting a debuff for being removed from a group should disappear, as many times the person is being kicked for no good reason. Such as “low dps” in a level 50 dungeon or “bad heals.” Ninjas and people who cause intentional wipes or are harassing people deserve a debuff though.

But the more we make someone who is just bad at the game suffer even more for being bad, the worse the state of the game becomes for most players and the playerbase devolves into toxic elitism. And then even GDKPs will be upset because more players who pay to clear content have quit.


That sounds ridiculous and like basically griefing. Just queue 3 guildees kick any one from LFD who might take your loot. Effectively punished for trying to play the game. Actually fried they need to remove it


Doesn’t happen people 99.999% kick for a reason…op was probably afk in a 85 heroic doing 2k dps

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His perspective sounds like a healer though.


Yea the reason being asshats.

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It happens more frequently than you might think. I personally know people that were 3-4 stacking their groups, and intentionally kicking out the pugs at the last boss to keep the chaos orbs for themselves. There were also multiple groups kicking out their loot competition when they got to specific bosses, killing said boss, then relisting to autofill the spot(s). From my experience, more often than not, it’s done for a crappy reason such as those. Not to discredit the low dps kicks, as it does happen. I personally have been in a group where we vote kicked a mage for doing 1/5th the damage of the tank on ST, though that was moreso bc we suspected that it was a bot/constantly afking player, bc you probably get that dps from casting a spell or two and then wanding…


It seems this is a hot topic of late.
See related threads:

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The person getting kicked should not suffer a debuff, indeed.
People have become way too trigger happy and abuse the feature.
My GM’s alt was kicked on the first trash pack of a dungeon.

Valid post.


The deserter debuff and its companion, the kick system, is full of holes to say the least. Blizzard won’t be diverting resources to revamp anything that won’t generate more revenue for the same reason why classic players will always be second class citizens to retail players in the eyes of Microsoft, Activision, and Blizzard.

It’s clear their half-assed attempt at developing games is an indication their boards only care about money and nothing else. It’s also why Blizzard stripped any and all teams to the bare minimum with their layoffs left and right.

All they will do is make sure all players move onto the next expansion. B.A.M. or Blizzard, Activision, and Microsoft hope players will complain about something else once each expansion rolls out to classic. It’s a minor hope though because they just don’t care as long as enough of you give them their ~$15 a month regardless of which WoW version you’re playing.

Ideally they should have added more safeguards to further prevent griefing and abuse of the vote kick system. Obviously that didn’t happen in the same way Blizzard ONLY cares about pushing subscribers to pay for more content and paid services. It’s the reason why the anti-boost and anti-farming skills mobs use are still active even in RFC and Deadmines.


Be ready for the “they will hold you hostage”.

Meanwhile if they actually followed their own “social contract”, they would get banned.


It’s not possible to abuse the kick feature. You are allowed to kick anyone for any reason.

seems that a lot of people simply click “yes” when a votekick pops up without checking for who and why.


When I did my original pre bis grind (week 1) I didn’t see any vote kicks, like 2 in total, as I’ve been capping my valor this week the groups have been complete chaos, whatever has happened, there are multiple kick votes per dungeon and they are mostly just really mean, trying to kick people for failing a mechanic after the entire group has already failed multiple mechanics in the past 5 minutes

Just general unpleasantness as a default, someone does 4k less dps than the guy above him? call a kick vote “basically afk dps” and its like they aren’t unacceptable levels of dps, plenty to do the dungeon

The act of voting, typing it and having 4 people read it then think about it, accept then get a new guy is probably thousands of dps lost in uptime, you are costing yourself time to be mean to a guy who dared not to do top tier dps in entry level content


What makes you think this?

There’s alot of that “3 guild premades” or 4 even doing alot of nasty things that others have to suffer this expansion for some reason. Taking gear that they dont need or kicking because they didnt like X thing… not all premades are the same but there’s alot of that going on and when I see guild premades I know they control the group…


Thanks for assuming, but I was a healer, and he did pull the entire room, and I did say literally “this isn’t retail, bro”.
I’m not saying my remark wasn’t bad or a bit of an @hole. I don’t need to hide anything that happened.

Maybe you can’t accept that people kick people who don’t rush through content.

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this cause the tank to just stop moving and wait for the kick !