Exactly, Blizzard doesn’t want people treating others poorly in the game. I find it amazing that people really get tilted over such small things that can be fixed by taking accountability, laughing it off, learning what went wrong and moving along to finish the instanced content.
Not too terribly often, but as you’ve experienced some people just have a short fuse and blow up if the slightest thing in a dungeon doesn’t go as they think it should.
I think what they need to understand is not everything will go their way in a casual dungeon finder. Unless you can invite some people for mythics then I would automatically realize everyone needs to do their part.
I could be delusional, but I just believe everyone is kind(fed up with all the hate so much I just don’t believe in it anymore.
It’s important to remember there is an in-game Code of Conduct and it’s up to players as well as the Game Masters to moderate poor conduct in the community. If poor conduct such as this as seen across PvE and PvP content goes unreported, this manner of behavior will continue to be swept under the rug.
The two areas of the Code of Conduct this particular matter involves are;
When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.
Hate speech and discriminatory language is inappropriate, as is any obscene or disruptive language. Threatening or harassing another player is always unacceptable, regardless of language used. Violating any of these expectations will result in account restrictions. More serious and repeated violations will result in greater restrictions.
Behavior that intentionally detracts from others' enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable. We expect our players to treat each other with respect and promote an enjoyable environment. Acceptable behavior is determined by player reports and Blizzard's decision, and violating these guidelines will result in account and gameplay restrictions.
While we encourage you to report players that are behaving in a disrespectful manner.
The player you dealt with is responsible for how he/she conducted himself/herself.
The player who said, "you piece of F-ing crap” is in the wrong here, not you.
This statement is a direct affront to the Code of Conduct, and while it’s not so extreme as to warrant account restrictions, it’s still worth leaving that report in this player’s backlogs in the event the poor behavior manifests or becomes worse later on. For example, if this player starts telling people they should “ themselves” for being beginners or because they are not up to snuff with this player’s expectations, then your initial report will also appear in his history as evidence of previous misconduct in-game.
Yes, there are players out there (in any online game) who will be callous and rude or entitled, and you will need thick skin to deal with that. But you can help moderate this poor behavior by reporting when it happens to you or when you see it happen to others.
I tanked from 15-60 on classic so I understand the pressure and stress it can have! I believe people target tanks more roughly because they’re only 1-2 of you and easy to spot the mistake. Where as a DPS they’re 50% of the group, and you can cover up your mistakes pretty well.
Its a tough role and definitely need thick skin to tough it out. You’ll have good runs and bad runs, luckily for you your que is less then a minute! And the DPS that kicked you out had to wait 10-15 mins to find a replacement LOL!
Pick up the sword and shield and go for it again! since it’s retail and LFD is a thing I’d honestly just put instance chat into its own tab. Really no reason to talk with anyone unless you’re just being friendly.
Since the person used vulgar language, you can definitely report them.
Didn’t finish reading your full post because I didn’t have the time to finish it, so I skipped the vulgar part, my apologize to you OP.
I agree. Even in Mythics sometimes sh** happens. Getting uppity and cussing someone out, booting them, or rage quitting the instance doesn’t really help anyone. It’s probably the result of too many years of it literally being impossible to die in regular LFG dungeons, people get surprised when the tank dosen’t have heirloom gear (or equivalent) and the healer has to work a bit to keep em up.
Or they dinged on Ret, queued as Prot, and didn’t realize they have Shield of the Righteous now. So they’re not using it. And get squished like a bug. The correct way to handle it has always been to diagnose what happened, fix it if possible, and carry on.
But… you can’t even use the dungeon finder until level 15, I thought?
As mentioned by others, I won’t repeat that, just say that while I should probably practice what I preach but finding a group, like making that effort in finding a group of people to do leveling dungeons with, stating what you are looking for etc… would go a long way.
I’ve been playing this great game the wrong way and that is mixing in with the random crowd that realllllly sour my experience a whole much that it’s literally turned me off from enjoying the one game I tend to want to enjoy (not into most games anymore).
So if you want to continue doing random queue’s… just learn to let those roll off you, report, ignore… as mentioned even, use the instance tab separate… you can check into block whispers from randoms also 'cause I’ve had a few recently.
(Picked up healing recently and a prot paladin died instantly to an abomination during korrak’s revenge… threw a sarcastic “nice healing” to me) Go figure… lol… you’ll get all varying comments thrown your way.
It’s the nature of the beast with just people not able to take accountability for their own mistakes and always feeling that since it’s a leveling dungeon, that they can face roll it…
People just don’t want to work as a team to accomplish things, to take 2 seconds to fix a problem and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.
As someone with multiple brewmaster alts, i feel this on an emotional level.
Level 20* sorry. Point is you’re going to do a few dungeons where you’re only tanking tool is taunt and a decent hp pool, it’s not fun.
Feyawen I totally forget we have rules in MMO’s. You just opened my mind up to these, now I can possibly mention this to players if they so proceed to flame me. Thank you and I will keep this in mind!
Yep. This is the reason there’s a severe lack of tanks these days. The community blames the tank for every little thing that happens.
They’re have been several threads lately about this. People enjoy taking but don’t enjoy the gogogo mentality or being yelled and swore at for the smallest things.

As mentioned by others, I won’t repeat that, just say that while I should probably practice what I preach but finding a group, like making that effort in finding a group of people to do leveling dungeons with, stating what you are looking for etc… would go a long way.
I’ve been playing this great game the wrong way and that is mixing in with the random crowd that realllllly sour my experience a whole much that it’s literally turned me off from enjoying the one game I tend to want to enjoy (not into most games anymore).
So if you want to continue doing random queue’s… just learn to let those roll off you, report, ignore… as mentioned even, use the instance tab separate… you can check into block whispers from randoms also 'cause I’ve had a few recently.
(Picked up healing recently and a prot paladin died instantly to an abomination during korrak’s revenge… threw a sarcastic “nice healing” to me) Go figure… lol… you’ll get all varying comments thrown your way.
It’s the nature of the beast with just people not able to take accountability for their own mistakes and always feeling that since it’s a leveling dungeon, that they can face roll it…
People just don’t want to work as a team to accomplish things, to take 2 seconds to fix a problem and enjoy the sense of accomplishment.
You’re right in many ways Shaman. I do agree people will do anything to receive the false attention they want. I should teach myself to be even more professional now. Obviously I’ll do my best to remain silent in these manners.
Blizzard gives you the tools. Just think if you want a better experience, find a leveling guild, or just ask to add people you liked running a dungeon in etc…

Yep. This is the reason there’s a severe lack of tanks these days. The community blames the tank for every little thing that happens.
They’re have been several threads lately about this. People enjoy taking but don’t enjoy the gogogo mentality or being yelled and swore at for the smallest things.
Exactly, I guess I need to continue tanking and keep my mouth shut. Sometimes it feels like business, I am the leader; but the warlock is my boss!

Yep. This is the reason there’s a severe lack of tanks these days. The community blames the tank for every little thing that happens.
They’re have been several threads lately about this. People enjoy taking but don’t enjoy the gogogo mentality or being yelled and swore at for the smallest things.
The key is not to let the 1 or 2 out of every 10 runs sour you on the experience.
If you get salty, the communists win. And if you give up on tanking and switch roles, you have to deal with Queues like a plebeian DPS.
We have a tank spec, we’re clearly too good for Queue times. It’s our world, they’re just living in it.

I tanked from 15-60 on classic so I understand the pressure and stress it can have! I believe people target tanks more roughly because they’re only 1-2 of you and easy to spot the mistake. Where as a DPS they’re 50% of the group, and you can cover up your mistakes pretty well.
Its a tough role and definitely need thick skin to tough it out. You’ll have good runs and bad runs, luckily for you your que is less then a minute! And the DPS that kicked you out had to wait 10-15 mins to find a replacement LOL!
Pick up the sword and shield and go for it again!
since it’s retail and LFD is a thing I’d honestly just put instance chat into its own tab. Really no reason to talk with anyone unless you’re just being friendly.
Since the person used vulgar language, you can definitely report them.
Didn’t finish reading your full post because I didn’t have the time to finish it, so I skipped the vulgar part, my apologize to you OP.
Obviously I did report them. But thank you for reading most of it, every single bit of that counts to me! You’ve also opened my mind up to these things!
after that lock dropped the f-bomb, you could have just kindly remind the lock of the healer’s credo, “Can’t heal stupid.” and then after that, blatantly point out how you lived, and he died, every chance you get. That would have shut up the sub-lock.

after that lock dropped the f-bomb, you could have just kindly remind the lock of the healer’s credo, “Can’t heal stupid.” and then after that, blatantly point out how you lived, and he died, every chance you get. That would have shut up the sub-lock.
You’re correct. You and I have the same perception with these types of players. But since I follow Supermans Idealogy, I very rarely interfere pointing out mistakes or judging people because that isn’t my character(Internally speaking IRL).
The mistake I made was actually arguing with that Warlock.
This and other experiences are exactly why I have not tanked for PUGs since WoD, leveling dungeons or not, and will never, ever, EVER do it again.
Part of it is because I “grew up” in the game back when there was one person in the group who decided the pace - THE TANK.
Part of it is because I play the game to enjoy myself, not to get abused by douchebags who start spazzing out if the run just might GASP take 15 minutes instead of 14 minutes, 45 seconds.