Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

Ok, so now people can’t kick AT ALL, and any ONE person can troll the entire group as opposed to requiring a majority to do it. Every solution you have suggested would just make things worse. Different, but worse.

Again, i WANT to stop these trolls, their actions are BS, but there is no better option and no one has come up with one. I played in Wrath before they had vote kick, it was horrible. Nearly half the groups would be ruined by 1 jackhole who would purposely ruin the run until you disbanded.

yes…they are.
To say they arent is to STATE that blizzard sat at a board room table and decided one day that they INTENDED to give players the vote kick so they could remove players over their transmogs or just for craps and giggles.
We BOTH know that AINT how it happened.
The INTENT of the kick system was to remove problematic players, DC’ed,etc.

YES…the INTENT of the kick and WHY it was created IS being abused…END of debate.

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You don’t want anything to be done. Any solution presented to you isn’t good enough. Not to mention, you haven’t presented any solutions of your own. So yeah, no. You and your buddy Yesuna want the trolling to continue for whatever inane reason.

No, Blizzard INTENDED to give the majority of the group the ability to remove someone from the group for any reason whatsoever, or even no reason. They have stated this, multiple times.

The system, is not being abused. You can claim otherwise all you want, but it’s working exactly as intended.


This pretty much sums it up.

see my LAST post to you guy…READ it again.

Now I’m going to mute this thread instead of dealing with a couple of white knights.

You haven’t presented ANY solution, and the few that HAVE been presented, i’ve pointed out how they would be WORSE.

By all means, where’s your magical solution. If i can’t point out how it’s worse, I will be right next to you in the next thread supporting it. You’ll get all my likes for today.

see…you aint me, lol :+1:

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Is that a promise? You said mute the thread not a person so i’ll expect you to keep to your word.


I did read it, your imaginings of how the system was setup, and the fact you disagree with their decision doesn’t change their OBVIOUS decision.

so offering no solution somehow equates to there isnt ANY abuse going on, LMBO.
Sorry guy…that AINT how it works.
The ACA sucks. still have 10 million or more uninsured, many cant afford to pay for it, many cant afford to use it.
By your illogic, if the R’s cant make a better program then that means the ACA is just fine.
Sorry but that aint how reality works.

no, because almost always the person who gets kicked did something to get kicked.

No. The system cannot be abused by definition, it is working as intended.

I also wish it worked another way but until there is a better solution, there is no point whining about it.

Politics will get you suspended buddy. But for the sake of argument, the ACA is better than the nothing we had before and the nothing we would have after. If Rs have a better solution, by all means, but they don’t.

and AGAIN…they DID NOT sit in a room and decide that we needed a vote kick because I dont like your mogs.
They did it so we could remove problematic players, DC’ed, etc.
THAT was the intent. Its being ABUSED.

bulldink…see my posts again for how your joke is refuted.
The REASON the kick was created wasnt to remove someone over their mog choices.

No, they decided we needed a vote kick for ANY reason or NO reason. Thus i don’t like your mog being a reason, or meh kick, being no reason, would BOTH be covered under that. If they wanted it to only be for DCs and abuses, then they’d have it only let you kick people who are DC’d, and they’d hire 10 thousand GMs to live monitor the game and respond to tickets instantly to punish people for abuse.


I agree, they need to add some systems or completely change what is in place. I’m not smart enough for a solution though :stuck_out_tongue:.

also, just because ‘its always been this way’, and ‘i like the system’, doesn’t mean its a good system. change is good. stop letting trolls and toxic people treat people poorly in this game. other games have systems to prevent this and it works out fine. sure, they will have to hire SOMEONE to review a reporting system if that gets put in place. maybe the same people that review flags for GD?

The system itself is inherently abusive when it can be used in such a manner without repercussion for the offender. Making it reportable would at least give the person who got kicked a means of recourse without dampening the usefulness of VtK.

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ive been kicked for being AFK in a random bg, but i wasnt AFK, so… you’re just flat out incorrect, sorry.