Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

Sorry, you nor anyone else gets to define what is and isn’t abuse. Blizzard defines what is abuse here. If you don’t like it then take it up with Blizzard.

Didn’t you mute this thread? That didn’t last very long.

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Except no, i can post wherever i want, and you insisting on nonsense does not change that. It is not abuse. By all means, report every single one of them. It will end in the same place this current argument of yours ends, the deletion folder.

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The dictionary defines what abuse is to anyone that can read.

The dictionary doesn’t dictate anything that happens here, neither do you.

Dont know. The vote kick needs to not work when youre down to the last little bit.
Ive seen them kick a guy right at the end and obviously to keep him from getting loot and the extra experience, most likely.
There was no reason for it. It had gone quite well. just seemed like they wanted to be jerks.

Yeah no, wrong. You may want it to be defined as abuse, and i would agree with you if i could think of a good way to implement it, “if you have one by all means suggest it,” but it is not abuse until it’s defined as such.

Until then it’s just using the system the way it is designed to be used.

He probably just muted you, some other people here are actually arguing in good faith. You’re just saying NUH UHHHH! again and again.

If you couldn’t kick in the last minute, or the last 500 azerite or whatever other limit you put on it, people would just kick right before it.

That’s exactly what happened, he likes to twist words. I said I wasn’t replying to him. I’m not going back and forth with him with his pretend argument. lol

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Then not after the second to last boss.
I dont know…just tired of abusive players. Get rid of the kick entirely for all I care.

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Uh, Yesuna and you are the ones saying “nuh-uh” in this thread. We’re trying to have an actual conversation and you two just want to stomp all over our cheerios for daring to say that the vote to kick system needs to be improved.

Also? Yesuna explicitly stated that they were muting the thread. Not any specific person.

this used to be worse believe it or not. when first dropped no one knew how they worked so they guessed at it for farming.

So…you’d’. be kicked earlier for actually running these as fast as you could. Kicked for doing your job basically. The prevalent farming theory was drag this stuff out. you wiping stuff fast…got you kicked for preventing that.

Then later on devs finally said no, this is how it works for drops.

It sucks stupid kicks still happening for whatever reason they had so some empathy for op.

So they’d kick right before the second the last boss dies, AND people would start being abusive after it. Some trolls would even purposely wait until after that boss dies and then purposely kill your key now that you can’t kick them.

You’ve now opened a whole new world of abuse.

I couldn’t imagine being removed from a pick up group Island Expedition for no reason, that’s one of the most hurtful things you can do to someone. Why is that even allowed? If the system determines a player is afk on the boat, fine, but what other reason is there to kick someone from a normal Island?

Where? lol

You aren’t this thread. Learn to read and stop always twisting peoples words.

‘But it’s not against the rules so it’s not abusive lol’

It’s abusive towards the people being kicked and having their time wasted.


No, no he didn’t.

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It’s not an abuse of the system, it’s definitely cruel, and trolling. But the systems rules are very specific, and they are not abusing it.

uh huh…so get rid of the vote kick.
we done here or do you intend on foaming at every nitpicking point till I have to just ignore you?

What happens when people start holding groups hostage, what about the players that will just afk and force you to either leave the group or cap them? It was added for these types of issues.