Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

  1. Maybe they didn’t want to be carried. If they’re 118 they’re using it to level and if’ you’re soloing most of the island away from them they’re getting no exp.
  2. Trolls will troll. There is literally nothing Blizzard can do about it. Every solution people have come up with would just make things worse. No deserter debuff? Trolls can now troll with impunity and queue right back in. This also opens the door for simple queue bots that are almost impossible to catch.

Except for the fact that the system can’t be abused, yeah, you’re right other than that fact.


  1. Vote kicking doesn’t monopolize anything. If loot WOULD have gone to the kicked person it’s just lost.
  2. Per current policy, that’s not an abuse. 2 people do not lose their vote because they’re friends. If they don’t want you there, that’s a majority.
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Ill give you some insight since I do this all the time with my friend to people. If we spend the whole Island carrying you then be prepared to be vote kicked seconds before the end.

Where have you been? That’s not how it has worked for a long time. Kicking at the end won’t increase your chances at certain rewards anymore and hasn’t for a long while.

The system can be very easily abused. Two people queuing up together can kick anyone they want and impose a 30 minute debuff on the people they kick.

That’s not abusing the system, that is using it as intended. You like to try and redefine things that Blizzard has already defined. That’s not how this works.

You can pretend all day long but it doesn’t change a real fact.

Which is not an abuse. They gain nothing from it, except not having you there. Just because people know each other does not mean their vote is suddenly worth less. The majority didn’t want you there, and the system accomplished the goal.

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I liked doing islands. I only would with a friend though, to avoid stupid nonsense like that. My friend and I didn’t ever vote to kick anyone though.

Doesn’t change my comment in the slightest. It is a system that can be abused, don’t be illogical

I am getting out of this thread though as it’s already turning the wrong way.

Not sure why folks get so heated about this topic but it always does get hot, and I do not want to deal with that today my friend! No offense dear.

Great to see to Leafblight, hope you are doing well! :hugs:

Nope. That’s what you’re doing.

The vote to kick system can be easily abused. I have no earthly idea why you would even disagree with that. Let alone to such an extent that you would repeatedly defend the abusers and griefers out there.


They gain the ability lock other people out of instanced content for 30 minutes.

Except it can’t, and you’ve yet to come up with an example that is abuse.

Again, 2 friends deciding they don’t want you there, is not an abuse. That is exactly what the system is designed to do, support the majority. You can argue the system should be changed to have other requirements, but i don’t think the 2 people voting against you not knowing each other can be one of them.

Also nice to see you as well.

They just need to make kicks with no reason a punishable offense, and a way to see the names of the people in your group afterwards in case they have umpteen squiggly letters.

Literally can’t. I’ll be ignoring you in this thread after this reply, I’m not going back and forth with your pretend stuff with no factual backing. Blizzard has already defined how the vote to kick system works. You can vote to kick anyone for any reason, or no reason at all.

Two friend deciding they don’t want anybody in the third slot is abuse. Especially when they know it puts a 30 minute deserter debuff on you.

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No it’s not. Blizzard has literally stated this as fact and THEY decide what is abuse.

You can argue the rules should be changed, but as it stands, it is not abuse. Period.


Blizzard has changed it before. They can change it again. Stop acting like it’s some perfect system that has been carved into stone. But that would require that you stop white knighting Blizzard for at least a few seconds and we know that will never happen.

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It is abuse. Period. If you don’t like it, then you’re free to leave the thread like Yesuna.

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It may not be abuse under Blizz’s current rules, but it’s definitely abuse.