Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

unless its 2 friends who are all about abusing the matchmaking system. They get a free pass.

And we’re back to the start. Remember at the start you said about how you plonk 2 characters in an island and afk. And my immediate reply to you was thats fine. This is because I do the normal islands to help people who are less capable or are leveling. What i am not in it for is to help people who will abuse the system by kicking me after i have carried them to completion, moments before said completion. The system needs to be smarter and outright block such a kick. If people try and do that late game kick it should simply fail instantly. If i was the head designer I would have it punish those who tried to do such a scummy move. There is NO REASON to do that. None at all, ever

You are only a positive person to blizz, you are not a nice poster to others in this forum. You are a disgrace to Pandaren.

Quit simping for Blizz.


That would not be the immediate response by the masses who would get extremely upset. The vote to kick mechanic was added to stop people from holding groups hostage and to remove people the group doesn’t get along with for whatever reason. You think it’s “toxic” now, just wait until you can’t remove real toxic players from your group.

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I’m not here to impress you, nor do I care about your opinion of me. I’m here on this forum to discuss the game, not to build a personal relationship with you.

I would hope they didn’t kick you just to be mean, but a majority of the time there is a reason why they would kick someone. There is something more to the story not being said. For instance, maybe you were afk doing something and they voted to kick you or something else. 2 players don’t vote to kick unless someone goes afk. I have done islands where someone just afks in the middle of the map the entire game not doing anything. So there’s more you’re not telling us.

I’ve never had it happen, and I usually do 110-120 through islands, and sometimes people get pissy when you follow them for XP cause they are wrecking and you, not so much. So I wouldn’t say it happens often. That is the stupid in the 3-man though, it only takes 2 people to kick. If there was no debuff I’d say just eat it and requeue, it’s not like it takes more than a minute to get into one under normal conditions, and even 10 minutes to finish sounds long. I don’t think there should be a debuff when you’re kicked, only when you leave, because kicking is something you cannot control. Most of the kicks I’ve received have been warranted (like failing to navigate Mechagon traps over 10 times in a row), but a few weren’t, and I shut the game off until the debuff wore off, which I’m not sure is working as intended.

i believe the flaw is the generic vote kick mechanic thats been simply moved over from other content where a lazy or trolling player is more counter productive, such as dungeons, raids or bg’s. In those trolling or griefing players can cause a pvp loss or cause players to suffer measurable loss by wiping groups. Then there is the age old tank sitting down and not budging cause they dont liek the given dungeon.

That all just doesnt apply to normal or heroic islands. Theres simply no way to cause other players to become ineffective or to die even unless one plays a hunter and manages to MD a bunch of stuff onto a player. At which point that stuffs just rebounding back to the hunter once the md victim dies anyway so, why?

The challenging islands are premade groups which operate on the premade group system where the person who made the group gets to decide if a member is not up to scratch. Rightly so.

Blizz therefore needs to create a second vote system for islands, something at least to protect against players accepting a carry up untill the end before they votekick for no reason. Surely it cant be hard. “If progress = or > 80% vote kick = fail” or whatever the exact code is lol

You can be removed for reasons other than progression. People shouldn’t have to take the verbal abuse that comes with pugs at times either, therefore they should be able to be kicked.

i mean, i didnt record a video of the event as it were so its not like I can show you video evidence. However, I would have been sitting there for an hour waiting for 2 lvl 118’s to duo an island and they would have kicked me immediately, not grinded it to the very end then kicked me.

When i run these islands I headhunt the bosses and farm those as fast as possible, as many as possible to maximise any specific drops they may have. I am not one of those people though who will run though packs all day then try to aoe them down at the end. That gets players killed, especially lower levels

and? what we gonna do ban them for kicking you? grow up dude

Yup, it’s weird also since they changed how loot is given yet they still feel this need to kick people.

It’s why I’d rather have enjoyed a solo option too since honestly these kinda moments ruin my enjoyment of what seemingly is a great game.

Sorry to see this happen icemistress , had it happen in timwalking some guy tried to vote kick my husband because he wanted in his friend on the last boss , all I can think is to many toxic players and the maturity level is some what missing from players.

I personally would love to see Islands go solo or the option to , its hard finding ppl that want to do them I personally used to enjoy doing them for transmogs and mounts.

Do mythic islands. Only need 3 and they honestly take minutes at most per island. Plus if you do end up getting kicked for some asinine reason, you don’t get deserter.

Most geared people won’t even care if you are undergeared and/or weak since most mythic groups just do mass pulls and they let the squishy hang back and click on the stuff they’re too lazy to go back and get themselves.

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Noticed a lot of that in Tw dungeons over the last few days. Nothing more annoying than being in the middle of fighting a boss, or even trash mobs, and see that vote to kick window popup in the middle of the screen. Sucks when it happens to folks who are actually trying, or contributing. But not so much when you open up the map window, and see someone sitting at the dungeon entrance afk while everyone else is fighting the boss, or mobs. Depends on the group you get op. Suggest just grouping up with a couple of friends, or guildies to do instanced content, if it is a continuing problem. Vote to kick can be abused in this game, and often has which does suck, but it also works as intended to. And how exactly would you punish people for using the kick option? Don’t you get like 15, or 20 minutes kick protection, if you get removed from group anyways? Maybe adding a extra 5, or 10 minutes might help?

How do you spam them solo and solo them?I would love to solo them,but it looks like there is no way to do that.

Sadly you can’t

Griefing is not allowed and is reportable. Submitting a ticket though will likely go nowhere, let’s be honest here.

I’ve been kicked from islands on my healer for stupid things like healing and then kicked for dpsing, pretty sure I got kicked for not having my fav Horde socks on too, may as well have been the reason.

It’s been an issue from the beginning, it’s not been addressed so that’s it, not going to happen in the last few months of the xpac.

Except the majority can abuse it. It’s actually very easy to do with just a three man group.

They should make it so you can’t kick people when you’re 90% of the way through gathering Azerite.

There also used to be an increased cooldown on kicking people, so if you kicked people often enough, it would take longer and longer each time before you could kick someone from a dungeon. I’m not sure if it still exists, so they should either bring it back, or make it more aggressive when kicking someone from an island expedition.

If it’s any consolation don’t do normal mode if your geared just join heroic
you will find less pre-pubescent teens in that bracket.
I know what happened to you I too have had that cause I was a healer spec at the time and everyone was rounding up all the mobs at once to AOE them down and I wasn’t good enough… so got voted, It sucks but it is what it is at the moment.

Oh stop. 2 buds in a party would regularly kick the 3rd so they had monopoly on mounts etc, where have you been?

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