Kicked from normal island moments before it ended

Well it really shouldn’t be on you or anyone else on here to provide recourse. The developers should think of a better system rather then a half assed on which is clearly prone to abuse.

That’s the beauty of this system, it literally cannot be abused since the majority has to vote kick. There is no automation or ways to cheat this system. Stop thinking people have to play with you if they don’t want to.

If they “don’t want to play with me” then they are the ones who shouldn’t be queing, not me.

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being below level cap, getting carried then telling your friend to click vote kick seconds before the content completes sure sounds like cheating the system, or do you think thats legitimate gameplay?

I see, so you think the queue button is a safe way for people to go in and afk, troll groups, or hold groups hostage?

legitimate gameplay. That’s how the system is designed. You can be kicked for any reason, or no reason at all. It stops you trolling groups, afk’ing, or holding groups hostage. Nobody has to play with you if they don’t want to.

At this point I can solo IEs, so I wouldn’t care if you showed up in one of mine (not that I do IEs anyway though, lol).

The masses would care. The forum would be on fire if I did this with my ungodly number of characters, not that it wouldn’t be hilarious.

it stops me? but it doesnt stop when 2 friends join together. Why is it all about stopping me?

If the matchmaking was smart it would detect that i was doing the hyper majority of the effort and it should kick those 2 and give them a cooldown timer. Since they waited untill moments before the island ended. So far you seem to feel that teaming with a friend then kicking someone who is exceeding in the content at the last second is fine and completely acceptable, especially when the content is not premade.


It stops anyone.

When the trolls have the majority it certainly CAN be abused (and kicking someone moments before completion certainly sounds like a troll move to me). IEs should either be exempt from the deserter debuff, or they should have a seperate debuff that only lasts 5 or 10 minutes and only gets activated if you’re kicked in the first two minutes.


You’re only trying to reframe the argument so it suits your point of view.

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Well, I sure wouldn’t be made if they mad these changes. I’m telling you straight up I’d afk cap all my characters each week. I’ll do the same next expansion with whatever replaces IE’s. Not even joking, someone else will cap all my stuff for me. So I wouldn’t be mad in the least.

No, it’s Blizzards point of view. My pov, nor yours, matters in the end.

Can’t you just, you know, do them yourself 3 at a time?

PVE islands are pretty simple.

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Precisely, hence the question being directed at blizzard to fix both sides of the issue, not at some random from the forums, who supports people exploiting a loophole to grieve people.

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Yes but then I could run numerous teams of 2 while I’m at work and not even worry about it. Think this would be an issue only with me? This would be a horrible widespread issue.

You can already do this in every dungeon; you do get longer cooldowns the more you votekick, though.

Do you have friends? Why are you a walking talking bag of salt in every thread i see you in? You are a disgrace to pandaren.


I do, actually. I play with a great group of players.

What? lol

I am one of the most positive people on this forum towards the game. You might wanna check my post history.