Kicked from group (taunt) when it wasnt on

Whether you are trolling or not, this exact behavior is why there needs to be some extra steps to kick someone.

As always, will put my plug that players need to type at least a 50-100 character response to press yes. Make it a very slight inconvenience to press yes and more people probably won’t just press it.

The majority thought, in this case, that Growl was on, even though it’s been auto-disabled in LFD for like, forever.

Just like the alleged greater than 50% that voted for Hillary, the majority doesn’t indicate an informed mandate.

I’ve never been kicked so maybe I’d be a lot more sensitive to it if I had been. Either way you’re definitely right it should be harder. I click yes just to clear the box and don’t think twice of it.

Let’s not stop there though… the same thing happens on the forums. Just your own opinion can get you temp banned just because enough people clicked a flag. No context needed.

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One step ahead of you. If I was ever in his group i’d activly decline and blame it on a bug.

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I always check my taunt when I enter a dungeon and, so far, it always shows as manual like it should. However, I have been noticing from time to time that the taunt will be cooling down like it was used when I didnt touch it. Im not sure if its a bug or if its actually going off but I havent been kicked yet thankfully.

Don’t want be that guy, but were the group saying anything before hand? Because normally you wouldn’t know the reasons you were booted for unless someone tells you.

That being said, I do report those that initiate a kick with dumb reasoning such as putting the alternative term you call a bunch of sticks into the description box.

Some people tend to just hit yes impulsively without reading the reason. You could write something random such as “I like tacos” and someone will click yes without reading to see if it’s a legitimate reason to kick IE- someone being disruptive and rude,someone getting DC’d for a long time,etc.

Tanks just assume that I’d they lose aggro it’s bc the hunter has taunt on. Perish the thought that it can be tiny tank d.

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Sounds like you did something you weren’t supposed to and you’re here to try and make yourself look better because you can’t accept that you screwed up.

Am I right?

I have had tanks complain about my pet when taunt was off as well.

I dismiss the pet. The DPS loss doesn’t matter, but being able to say the pet was dismissed last pull when the tank complains again on the current pull is priceless.

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If it was a group running dungeons to level who the hell cares if the pet has aggro. If you’re the type of tank that’s anal about it at least say something first “Hey man I think your pet has growl on.”
I was in a group where a tank blamed a pet for doing something and there wasn’t even a pet class in the group it was just someone with a mini pet out.

I do know there’s a bug going around currently involving hunter pets. Hunters don’t see the growl on, but it is actually on and the pet is actively taunting. I see it happen on my tanks occasionally. If someone says they think your pet’s taunt is on, do the proper thing and turn it on, then off again, and see if that helps. If not, convey it’s a bug and there’s nothing you can do about it. People are much more understanding if you actually communicate when these bugs occur. It’s not your fault.

Because hunters have a “huntard” label for ages now and anytime a mob gets “taunted”, they always blame hunter no matter what. It’s even been done when a hunter is in MM and talented for NO PET, yet they got blamed or kicked for “taunting”.

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Its a game and a single dungeon…

You will live buttercup

Welcome to hunterhood. Heck with them and move on. They would accuse you of something else if pet wasn’t out. Remember, people who do that are feeling negativity on the inside. They’re suffering long after your kick.

I thought pets were auto turned off not to agro in instances and raids…I always remember getting out questing and thinking why has my agro been turned off on my pets.

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I’ve been kicked 4 or 5 times in 15 years or so.
Only once I knew the reason.
But every time I was glad I had the freedom to go do something else with my time
rather than playing with those stiffs any longer

The kick system is terrible, the fact that it’s so unchained in WoW just encourages bad behavior. LFD is trivial content, there’s almost never a reason to kick anyone from LFD. I’m going to add this example to my megathread on kicks at

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Pet growl has been bugged for a while now.
If you level while in a dungeon with a pet out, you must dismiss your pet and resummon it.
If you don’t, it’ll growl and get aggro.
There’s no real indication that it’s growling, except maybe the combat log. Only way to fix it is to dismiss and resummon.

^^^^ This.