Kicked from group (taunt) when it wasnt on

It supposed to be turned off. I’ve been leveling with a hunter friend as a tank and twice it has came back on.

Though don’t know why there wasn’t a “Hey check your taunt on your pet please”

its like pooping your pants in public trying to make your father look bad


As soon as you level in a dungeon, growl turns back on automatically, been doing that for about three years now.

You have to dismiss the pet and bring it back to get it to turn off.

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I always click yes without reading the reason.

Let RNGesus decide who is worthy

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Well they’ll know their mistake when the mage or rogue pulls aggro next.

Do you live in Minneapolis?

I will have to keep an eye out for that.

Tank just blamed it on the hunter for his mistakes.

Its a unfortunate circumstance. People are idiots and want to curb from the real problem of being the reason. So they think the best was that despite ages old problem being fixed (Pet taunts are automatically turned off in dungeons/raids) is to kick a hunter because “stupid Huntard” is taunting.

It seems like today people are more stupid than ever. People are joining dungeons in roles they aren’t willing to spec for. I had a few tanks and Healers not specced accordingly and they aren’t new players either (Mentorship is nice for knowing this).

Probably a friends group. You are always the odd man out in that situation.

I did a random dungeon on my warrior once. The heals were bad, and I mean BAD. But I’m not the type to complain. Live and let live. But he was insecure about the constant wipes. He needed someone to blaim. I was overgeared for the place, I was holding all aggro. I was doing exactly what I was suposed to do. But in the end, I lost out.

Some people are just bad at the game, and bad at life. Just move on.

Mindless drones. They click whatever they see. “But it’s in muh way!”

Really simple fix here mate. Whoever starts complaining about it, initiate a vote kick on them and put in the note box “stupid hunter.” Then laugh when they get kicked.

From my experience, when people see a vote kick, they don’t even read the comment, they just vote yes. Other times, the person that started the vote doesn’t put anything in the comments…and people again just click yes.

You could have been kicked for any reason.

They just have mob mentality. Most of the time the person kicking is a bhole but they’ll still side with them.
Source: My friend would kick people randomly last boss just to have a laugh

No I do not.

Growl bugs out.

So that prolly happened.

Best way to prevent this is to dismiss and resume on pet inside the instance.

You need to tell your friend off then, that’s sucky behavior.

I believe it a a simple majority thing. It is still stupid, but people get that way in groups.

There’s a known bug. If you level up while in a dungeon it turns on growl of pet. Problem is it doesn’t display on the ability bar thats its on. Solution is to dismiss pet when you level then recall.

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