Kicked from group for solo'ing boss

Is the key to clear communication

You can indeed be kicked during a boss encounter. Read previous comments for validation or do some research on it .

Nah , its just easier to blame your fellow players than to blame Blizzard . and ppl lie on GD all the time with stuff like " I got banned for doing nothing "

Boss had 3% remaining as I stated to you previously but for some reason are you ignoring that major factor to this, if he was 90% of course I would just die.

He ain’t that bad man, this is the forums dude, manners get left at the door especially at the weekends.

It’s always a fight to be heard in here, sometimes you hit a home run and everybody is with you, normally it’s not like that.

I don’t know why it is this way, but this is life on General Discussion my friend, nothing is personal here because nobody knows you, remember that.

If you get kicked then go chill, smoke a Malboro w/e and laugh it off, don’t let strangers on the internet dictate your mood, damn sure not in a game.

Gaming is edgy business these days, just rise above it.

Good luck.


Which is it? You didn’t say anything to them, or you told them something.

“Something’s not quite right”

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If you’re pulling the entire dungeon and other people are dying, that’s on you, especially if it’s caster hitting other people. The game is designed so you can’t do that anymore. If you want to solo the dungeon, then solo it. Noone wants to play dungeons with a “tank” who just runs ahead and soloes everything while they all die. I would’ve kicked you too.

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Did you even read what I wrote? No one died from my pulling, only time people died was from the dk moving the candle all over the place . Also yes, i can still pull the entire dungeon w/o dying if I want , tanks are overtuned. But when people died it was at the last boss from the dk moving the candle all over not knowing how to drop it . Totally unrelated to what you are saying here.

If you’re a tank and you know you can solo it. Just don’t. Die and wipe. I had this happening on the dawnbreaker with a group that wiped several times to flying or just not doing mechanics and I was tanking and was the last one standing and died every single time. Didnt get kicked but I knew the group wouldnt appreciate me sitting for who knows how many minutes there when I can die and restart again…

It’s about reading the room a bit…

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You called them a dork face didn’t you?


Boss had 3% Read what has been said and you would understand . Group died and I was fighting him for around 1 minute solo, and he had 3% left when I was kicked.

Sounds like the dungeon cold use some tuning. You shouldn’t be able to solo the boss.

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Thats tanking for you right now, any tank can solo bosses . Hell any tank can solo the entire dungeon if they had the time .

I experienced taht with a DK tank and the meadery. He really didn’t need us there.

Yea tanking needs a nerf, and healing needs a buff in pve. Healing is really underwhelming and sometimes the tank outheals the healer. which should never happen

Story coming apart just a smidge

What are you talkin about here? How is it coming apart?

What was the boss’s health when everyone else died to when you were kicked?

If i had to take a wild guess maybe 15% remaining? Im not exactly sure on this, but I fought him for a total of 1 minute give or take solo and he had 3% remaining when I died.

I thought you could only kick out of combat, or am I just getting old?