Kicked from group for solo'ing boss

Thankyou, i can’t believe people are siding with the dk who messed the mechanics up , and ill make it clear, no one made fun of him or anything, no one said a word, but he wiped the group, and i was just going to finish killing the boss, it seriously blows my mind . lol

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Sounds like this was really traumatic. I hope you’re ok. Sending you thoughts and prayers.


Thank you, not sure if ill make it

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Whenever someone comes to the forum to vent about something, some people try to invalidate you and make assumptions that it’s your fault, instead of trying to comment something positive to make the person feel better. Sad. If someone is venting about something, judging them won’t do any good, but a few words of comfort can help.

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Yeah it was a simple vent. Everything I said was true, no reason to lie to strangers over wow forums. I just thought it was nuts I was kicked from the group , after being with them from the start, and no one said a word until the end when they were all dead, they said I Couldnt finish the boss because candle was at 0% , and I said i could, that was all that was said. then shortly after i was kicked. 3% remaining

Last I checked… Tank should be in charge of the instance. As long as heals can keep up and dps gets to hit things for credit I don’t care what goes on.

Realistically. They probably said something multiple times asking the tank to slow down and they didn’t and got kicked. Seen it many times the last few weeks. Too many mythic+ players in LFG that were wanting practice for m+ timers.

This group no one typed till the very end which was related to me not being able to kill the boss because candle was at 0% , and i replied yes I can still kill him .

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I would’nt think too much on it. Could’ve been that they knew eachother and were horsing around


They kicked you for wasting their time, not because you can solo the boss but because rather than wipe and start over with everyone alive you’re standing there wasting their time. All fine and good you can solo the boss but it’s zero fun for anyone being forced to sit there for ages watching someone try to solo a boss and not let them do anything. That and to show joy that your teammate died…I’d of kicked you too if you were happy your team died and wasted my time.

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Read previous comments, you’ll understand a lot more .

From his own admission the rest of the group was dead. No one enjoys being on the floor and watching while someone slowly solos a boss. It’s a group activity, not a ‘let me solo her’ activity.

You want to solo the bosses while the rest of your team watches on? Do it in a pre-made group. When you’re in a group with other people, the group decides if you stay in it or not. Group told him to wipe so they could rez and keep doing the dungeon, he refused, that warrants a kick, plain and simple.


If you read previous comments you would understand boss was at 3% remaining. Definately faster to just let me finish than kick and wait for another tank to come in .

Again, you ignored the rest of the group.

You want to stay in random dungeon groups? Don’t do that. Because you will continue to get kicked, again, and again, and again. Doesn’t matter if the boss is on 3% or not. They didn’t want to sit on the floor while you played glory hog. You should have listened to the group.


Tank sets route. Healer sets pace. DPS do their job. But an auto queue group is not a dictatorship. If the group does not like how things are going, they have the ability to kick.

This group chose to do so.

A team means working together. That means communication on both sides. Sounds like both sides failed there and my comments are advice, not blame.


We understand perfectly now, we understand exactly why they kicked you.

And we agree.


From what he said, he wasn’t kicked for killing the boss alone, but rather because the group didn’t believe he was capable of soloing the boss since the candle was at 0%. Also, even if the question was “I don’t want to do anything while I watch the boss die” the kick wouldn’t be a valid option, as they would have to wait for another tank to come in to be able to complete this, so it would just be more wasted time. That kick was strange. But, if the owner of this publication is omitting or lying about something, then we can no longer know.

And don’t generalize, I’ve soloed bosses a few times while the group was dead, I’ve never been kicked for it and I’ve also never seen anyone open a vote because of that, and if someone opened the vote for this reason, my vote would be no.


People like to play the game. Shocker.

Soling the boss is slower than dieing and having 5 people alive.

And yet, it clearly was a valid option for the group, because otherwise this thread wouldn’t exist.

Any tank that tried to solo a boss when the rest of the group wiped, and ignored the call to wipe so they could release and get back to killing the boss as a group, would have also gotten kicked. The OP isn’t special, he wasn’t targeted, he just did the one thing you do not do in a random group. He ignored the majority.

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You can’t be kicked while an encounter is in progress. So yeah you either got Dced or the server threw you out

You seem like an internet troll , picking and choosing words you want, like making me sound way different than what im actually saying. No need for your input anymore