Kicked from group for solo'ing boss

I just came here to vent, its super annoying what happened . In the candle dungeon on my tank paladin , level 77 just pulling it super quick, doing top damage/healing , i could solo it if it wanted to , yall know how tanks are… Anyways get all the way to last boss after all of my dps are under 100k overall , and the death knight picks the candle up and starts running all over the place saying he didn’t know how to put it down, People told him but he still didn’t . At this point i was happy he died so i can just stand on the candle at 0% and solo the boss, when boss was about ready to die, the group decided to kick me. So after doing majority of the work in the dungeon i got kicked because the dk messed up. Thats the world we live in today.


There’s always more to these stories. But sounds like you got kicked for behavior they didn’t like.

  1. If you’re chain pulling, make sure the group is okay with it.
  2. Ask if you should wipe it if you’re last one standing. Not everyone wants to lick the floor for 10 minutes while you slowly kill a boss.

The Vent Room is the first door to the left after entering the corridor. :sunglasses:

It sounds like a sad story, but that’s what you get for tanking on a Shaman. Jokes

I came here to vent once, many moons ago, when I was kicked from one of the vanilla instances as a pretty nooby Mage player. I thought I was being helpful by turning the mobs into sheep. What I didnt realise was that it actually made them stronger and the group got a bit sick of me being a troublesome noob and kicked me. I did actually learn from that experience and never repeated it, though I’m sure I did other silly things along the way.

My point is: crap happens. Vent if you must but be prepared to get all kinds of different responses here. Would almost be a good thing to have a Vent channel with comments turned off so people could just rage into the void.


Isn’t that what guild Discord is for? lol


I didn’t type a word to these guys the entire dungeon, they claimed I couldnt solo the boss, but i said I could , they didn’t believe me because the candle was at 0%

Nobody listens to me. I get popcorn emotes and they lols at me. Then again, they do know me…

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So it sounds like what I said:


Your assuming a lot here, the boss was 3% from dying. i was kicked 3% before he was dead.

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Presses X


I did a dungeon in Cata Classic a while ago, and the dps (hunter) decided to go his own way and solo a boss, and we never got any credit or loot from it. I don’t know if that applies to retail, if someone solos a boss if they get loot/credit for it (for quest).

Well, you can go on with the knowledge that your Details screen looked great for that run. :sunglasses:

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Everyone would have got credit if i finished the boss, he was almost dead .

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You had some clock watcher idiots.

They are thinking you were holding up the run time.

WHich is funny. I like soloists when the run has gone to crap.

They get it done. Since there is a good chance on run 2…someone will mess it up. Again.

That’s odd. Back in my ZG days, on Venoxis (Cata OG), the Blood Dk would solo that boss after everyone died, and they were all amazed by it, no kicking. I’m wondering what happened here in this situation that was different.

Edit: Ah, could have been a mythic+ and a drain on time maybe, could be the only logical explanation, unless we’re just not getting the whole story.

Can you be kicked while in combat?

Yeah they kicked me during the fight, Like i said in a previous comment he was 3% from dying. I was only solo fighting him for roughly 1min , because they did some damage before they died.

I would not have initiated it but I’d vote yes.

Waggle it on your own time.

It’s faster to wipe and do it better.


I’m sorry about what happened. Some people are really crazy. I also want to share an experience I had last night.

Yesterday I did a dungeon (Dawnbreaker) in which the Healer kept saying he was in a hurry. She complained all the time. When we were about to do the second boss, he started complaining so much that I decided to respond that we were killing the rare ones first, and then move on to the second boss. He responded to me completely rudely, called me a “bot” and said that he didn’t need to kill the rare ones because it was a waste of time, and that he had several char ilvl 606 and that only he knew how to make a dungeon. Soon after, he pulled all the adds and the boss together, one DPS ended up dying. Tired of this guy, we decided to open a vote to expel him. The majority voted yes, so he was expelled. A while later he whispered to me saying that I was on his “black list”. Lol.

The tank seemed to be a newbie, so I used my 2-player mount and took him to the rares so he could learn how to do this dungeon. But that healer thought the world revolved around him. Sad. I don’t think anyone should enter a normal dungeon already knowing everything.


Forumtoon, read previous comments, he was 3% from dead. So your saying instead of me using a few more abilities to finish him, its faster to die, run back wait for another tank to come in ? No way


Probably the less selfish option.