Kicked from dungeon for Dragonflight wings

Not really. They were mostly just gated to some degree behind research, and than planning route/pulls. Very doable with trashcan gear if you were pulling around whatever the 20 second empower buff was called.

Raid pets are mostly just for collecting, not battling.

As do we all.

"I tried to fight against store mounts by telling people to spit on the people riding them and I got called toxic and no one supported me

Honest truth is I’m not the target audience for the game anymore, it sucks but it’s true." -Asmongold

Asmon stated HE was the one who did it.


Most pet battles can be won with some mix of Unborn Valkyr, Microbot XD, Nexus Whelpling, and Ikky.

Those are, expansion after expansion, the go-to pets. And none of them are dungeon or raid drops.

Originally it was McConnell. So he’s trying to take credit for it. But his stance is against mounts, not the wings from the deluxe edition of Shadowlands.

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I said Asmongold told people to /spit on people. You keep saying he didn’t. Someone posted Asmongolds twitter account where he is shown apologizing for requesting people /spit on players.

You go out of your way to pick arguments with everyone and you lose every single argument. This is another one that you went out of your way to start up and then lost.

This be why I take off the “show emotes” (or something else maybe?) box in my text channel. If someone does something like that I would never know.

(/spit on Gaffgarion)

Me: “Okay, I got the Cooking to 300, now to finish Fishing before the 15th.”

(/spit on Gaffgarion)
(/chicken at Gaffgarion)

Me: “Dang, someone undercutted my price on the auction house again. Eh, oh well.”

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That has nothing to do with DF.

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I see these posts from time to time and still don’t believe a word of it.

Wrong. You claimed the following about current items:

So where exactly has he currently told people to harass others with DF stuff?

May last year does not cover current items.

  1. You started this by making accusations that Asmon is currently telling people to harass others over DF items.
  2. You haven’t proven this to happen.
  3. You’re still making crap up.

I didn’t start it and you’re the one who still isn’t providing proof that I lost it.

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Nothing wrong with cosmetics, it sucks that you got kicked.

Just say brought it with gold if anyone starts to give you a hard time, usually shuts them up pretty quick.


I’m generally okay with MTX in free games as long as it doesn’t give you an advantage. WoW is B2P and a sub game, it should have no MTX.

Would Dragonflight cosmetics fall under MTX (Microtransactions)?

You’d have to ask him how he feels about it. But he has not told anyone to harass anyone over the wings.

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But he already told his playerbase to harass players for other MTX and like you said he took credit for originally stating it. If he just put out another video on his anger with more MTX in WoW and never told his audience that he was wrong for telling them to harass other players with MTX, wouldn’t it generally be assumed by the same viewers that he is ok with them harassing other MTX purchasing players too?

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Sadly, in any group of human beings you are likely to come across one or two nongs.

I personally dont give a Gnome’s chin whiskers about what other people do with their money. I mean, bought Dragonflight with my ingame gold, that was my choice because my finances are limited. But why would I deny anyone else the option of deciding what to do with their money? That would be wildly hypocritical.

That’s the thing, you see - people like those of your bad experience are similarly hypocritical. Because they think they have the right to do what they want with their cash but deny you the same right.

Just give them a ptooey and move on and I hope you get to play with others who are less a load poodoo.

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In the video where he asked people to /spit on people he also said he opposes all store mounts. Look at his profile. He doesnt have any, He is not a liar. He does not like them and he is very vocal about it. He is not afraid to tell what his opinion is even if he knows none will agree with it. He doest not like what the instore mounts are doing to the game.

In his video where he asked people to /spit on people, riding the mount, he pointed out how the mount was way better looking and way more modernized than all the other TBC mounts. He then stated why not give it out as a raid reward that people earn instead of forcing it to be unlocked with your credit card.

That is what he said. he has ALWAYS been against instore mounts. He is very vocal about it too. He does not like the fact that we have more mounts now from our 12 month sub. I told you I watch all his content.

Over a year ago. Ausloschen is claiming:

So where is this latest most current time he’s told the players to harass people with the wings?

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If he is ok with his audience harassing players for MTX (which he already did) wouldn’t it be assumed that he would be ok with more MTX harassment? Did Asmongold tell his viewers that it was wrong and to not do it or is it still implied that it’s ok?

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Do you get offended when comedians make fun of you? You people are paper thin.