Kicked from dungeon for Dragonflight wings

I already told you in the very video where he said to /spit on people he also said to stand up against all micro transactions and in store stuff.

He has said that it is causing Blizzard to now releases the coolest looking mounts behind a paywall instead of being obtainable in game. He told players to stand up against that and try to make a change to stop that from happening. he said that all in game WoW microtransactions need to go away.

You dont even watch his stuff. It is obvious. You had no clue he did the /spit thing until I told it to you just now.

Hey you know. You get a free mount if you watch a twitch streamer. I heard there’s this guy named Asmongold who has some pretty cool stuff.

Watch a twitch streamer, get a free mount. Simple as that. The only people complaining about the mount are those who dont have it anyways.

So wouldn’t OP’s case be a part of standing up against MTX in the eyes of Asmongold’s viewers?

I personally laughed about it. Because people were too dumb to tell the difference between a store mount and a legendary form.

You seem to be missing the point. Ausloschen is claiming he tells his people to do this every single time a new feature comes out, in a thread about harassment against the wings. Not a mount. The wings.

No, you didn’t. You posted no proof that he has currently told people to harass people with DF stuff like the wings, as this implies:

Here’s your biggest offender, in large bold print for you:

So where does he keep doing it?

I’d also love an answer to this one.

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I don’t think he makes a video every time Blizzards adds more MTX in their P2P game and tell his viewers to harass the players directly, but I do think it’s still implied since he never said not to do it and already took credit for it.


Then Ausloschen is making stuff up. Thank you.

I don’t know though, it’s just what I think. Maybe it’s different in his Discord? Please don’t use what I say against Ausloschen to prove your point because I am not 100% certain what the answer is in their case.

Then I’m not sure what your point is, when what we’re asking for is proof of these statements:

My point has nothing to do with theirs. So my point is don’t lump me up with their own view points since it’s their own and not mine. My argument had nothing to do with that they said.

Then I’m not sure why you’re even replying to me on the subject. But I’ve read what you wrote and I respect your responses.

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My bad, I tend to hit reply under the last persons post instead of the main reply button. :+1: I wasn’t trying to defend them or anything if that’s what you meant.


Not sure if this happened or not. However, I would also point out that people would use the spit emote on those with store mounts. So much to the point that Blizzard removed the spit emote.

So I wouldn’t be surprised if it did happen.

I don’t know why people would compare someone who had cosmetics from a premium edition of the game to someone who spent $20 alone on a mount or transmog.

The collector’s edition it’s not like you are just paying for a cosmetic. Part of the price is in fact the game. Then you have the other physical goods. Mouse Pad, Art book, and Pin set. All the digital stuff, pet, mount, and game time are kind of whatever. So there is more value there I feel than merely paying $25 for a mount or $10 for a pet.

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So what do you expect to achieve here? We can’t run through the logs to verify what happened. All you can do is hit those players with /ignore so you don’t have to play with them again and play with the 99% of the rest of us who don’t care what you do.

I can’t press X. Because I know this community and put nothing past it.


Pics or it didn’t happen.


Seems like strawman propaganda from Big Microtransaction.

I have “Press to cast” enabled, so I’m just holding that thing down.

He didn’t tell anyone to call people with the wings trash, but the mockery did come from his stream when he was telling people not to pre-order:

People tend to take the idolization of streamers a bit too much. They hear any of them call something garbage or mock those who have something like the wings from the pre-order, then they tend to follow the lead.

So while Auslöschen wasn’t 100% accurate that Asmongold told them to do it, I would hazard a guess it very much did come from this stream.

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Guess he gave up.

I didn’t hear anything in there mocking people, but I did hear him tell people there’s no reason to preorder. Someone else in the background was saying the wings looked bad and were stupid (I disagree), but they didn’t say anything about mocking people either.

Then people are pretty hard up to find reasons for things, since there was no mocking in there.

Sounds to me like Asmon isn’t responsible for anything. It’s just people being stupid.

Clearly. lol