Kicked for low dps - Im doing all the mechanics

This is what bad players tell themselfes to feel better about their grey parses…

Spoken like a true LFR hero. DPS is always an important part of the fight. Meeting DPS checks, reducing the fight time to alleviate pressure off healers and reduce the chances of fails.


She didn’t have most damage taken, she actually ended up on the bottom of the list for the parse. And her dps relative to her ilvl is fine. just slightly lower than the other 190s it’s all good. I did that much as well at her ilvl on normal.

I suggest you read what I said again. In actual fact, I commented on their parses as a whole. My words were “most fights” not specific to generals or Amy fight for that matter

I used council as an example of poor skill usage which inevitably resulted in low dps. I can go into more detail about not saving cd’s for burn if you want

Yes most fights you see? Not specific like you thought it was. This is what happens when you don’t “read”

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Wait I was looking at warcraftlogs, youre probably seeing something else.

Uh so was I? What are you on about?

Shes 207 ilvl; so the logs we’ve been looking at are outdated; those parses you see are not current. That being said I seriously doubt it was low dps; just trashy raid leads who think dps is the only thing that kills bosses; I’ve had mythic raid leads do and think like this.

Great vault is a thing we got this week on Tuesday. Not to mention the possible upgrades they may or may not have gotten and quite possibly put on after the raid.

The scapegoating is real with this one

Regardless of your question of ilvl increase. It makes no difference in what the logs show here.

I made a statement on logs, not when those logs were taken. I would find it extremely hard to believe that someone went from Grey parse to purple/orange over night.

It’s a process, hence why I made suggestions on how to improve, and where to find more detailed information

You sound arrogant.

You sound like someone that didn’t read a whole post, saw something at the top they didn’t like, mis-read it, and are now trying to scapegoat their way into being right.


No the logs are current. You can tell because it records the item level at the time of the log. On hers it shows 209 which she is now.

Taking myself as an example I am currently 213.

Back on another guild I was on I got a kinda bad log for innerva darkvien;

It records the item level at the time so mine for example was 211.


Well said. You literally cant grey parse short of dying and being a complete dead weight

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DPS is not a fair assessment on Stone LEgion either, you could be unlucky and constantly targeted and as a result have to move.

A win is a win. That’s how I see it.

Oh she did heroic lol I see now; ok ok. However for her first kill I would say its fine, nobody starts off pro anyway.

Yes you are correct to a degree.

But when you look at the whole picture here, you can see that it’s every fight that they need work on. Rotational they aren’t playing properly, and mechanically they aren’t as sound as they try to make themselves out to be.

Missing cooldown usage, not timing cooldowns properly, rotational issues. Mostly rotational issues if I’m being honest, and they spend a significant amount of time not hitting the boss when they should be

I never said they had to be pro. But from what they said, they played perfectly flawless. And apparently flawless throughout the entire raid, which just isn’t true.

This person needs to take a step back and re evaluate what their version of perfect is. Because from the ops original post they are a god player, but when you dig into it, they really aren’t even close.


yeah i guess, though you make it seem like you’re offended by it. Idk calm down or something.

I would kick you for not enchanting your boots before you had a chance to do crap dps lol

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My favorite thing in pugs is when someone who dies almost instantly whines the remainder of the encounter about players dps, while they lay dead

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