Kicked for low dps - Im doing all the mechanics

I was removed from a group after stone legion generals on heroic because of low dps when I did every mechanic perfectly.

I personally witnessed multiple people mess the glaive mechanic up and not move out.

Nobody soaked anything the entire fight but me.

I’m constantly dodging abilities, and properly moving glaives out.

The icing on the cake? (I’m not making this up, i am 100% serious. Wish i had logs, but i dont.) I did every mechanic perfectly and was one of 6 people left at the end of the fight. Each of the generals was at less than 10k health and i killed them. I saved a wipe.

And my reward? Being removed.

Am I upset? Yes. Do i care if i get roasted? No. I know that I’m a better player than most people and i proved it that boss fight.

A message to all raid leaders: you need to evaluate your priorities if you think DPS if the sole factor in a boss fight or not. What matters is being a good raider. And that’s the truth. This experience has made me really regret joining pickup groups. Because pickup groups are full of bad raid leaders.

I will not be reading or responding to any comments on this thread. I needed to vent. People are…ugh. I cant go on.


Feel better?


Don’t take it too personally.

Most pug raid leaders don’t consider things that matter like damage profiles at crucial phases or damage taken from avoidable or reduceable mechanics.


Horde Raiders have child mentalities and lack empathy (At least according to Lore!) You should switch to Alliance if you want reasonable adults to Raid with…


I have no idea what an average DPS is at 209 item level in Heroic. I can see your numbers but not sure if it’s good or not lol.

DPS is a mechanic for most boss fights.


Nvm, I see now. Yeah, your DPS is on the low side. Whether that’s low enough for a kick though, I don’t know lol.


Sorry man…

I think it’s more than that…

I do believe in your ability. You’ll do better

(I’m no good myself!)


Funny, Stone Legion isn’t even a dps check.

Not sure how low the supposed dps was, but honestly if it was low it doesn’t really matter too much about getting kicked if you were then moving on to Denathrius.
Denathrius final phase is a decent dps check, the group simply wouldn’t have been able to down it without everyone carrying their weight, and since as you said people couldn’t do mechanics phase 1 and 2 would have been a nightmare.

Honestly you kind of dodged a bullet really.


Parses don’t mean anything until your group is clearing the content consistently. This community has such a strange obsession with parses. Good parses come naturally when you get gear and have the content on farm. Bad parses come naturally when you don’t have the content on farm or are new.


Based on his performance so far likely a grey parse 9-13%.

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You’re absolutely correct. But when the going gets tough they have to make tough decisions until they can get a core group clearing all the bosses.

The whole group could be green and still beat the boss.

My heroic parses are bad too.

Not if the whole group is dying to mechanics lol. They might have parsed orange at the first quarter of the fight, but then they’re dead so it goes down to green.

Then braindead raid leader looks at the numbers and assumes that OP is the worst of the bunch because of the grey parse, even though the real problem is the brainlets ignoring mechanics.


They should be looking at interrupts and mechanics. But hey it’s their call to make.

Personally I just side with the OP in this case. It sounds like a dumb raid group led by a dumb raid leader. It’s annoying but OP you’re better off without them.


Yep. This is why I never pug raids. If I can’t do it with my guild, I won’t bother. Pugs just aren’t worth the aggravation.


Realistically it doesn’t matter how good dps you do in the first half of the boss if you then die, you won’t get more than a grey parse.
I’d imagine it’s pretty much impossible to do enough damage that missing out on a whole half or more of the bosses health in damage doesn’t cripple your parse into irrelevance.

Even dying in the last 10-15% guarantee’s you at best a low green on most fights.


If you aren’t carrying the raid leader, you’re not contributing!


The other side-effect of having dps players like that in your group, is that it gives good players like OP a grey parse every time without fail. The fight will last so long and end up in a wipe in most cases, if not a miracle victory by the skin of a few hardcarrying players’ teeth.

It’s just weird to focus on parses for so many reasons. It only gives a vague metric of individual performance until the parses are coming from successful runs with a consistent group. When everything is coming together as a group more or less, then you can start to see how an individual is truly performing by reading their parses. Till then it’s just pretentious negativity.


OP isn’t going to respond, but before anyone starts sympathizing they can find logs of the raid on WCL.

His DPS is bad and he was pretty much carried through 7 bosses. Doing mechanics does not excuse grey parses.

He can hit up the rogue discord for advice, but he’ll probably just assume he did nothing wrong and carry on.