Everything here is what is wrong with the wow community. Period.
Alright. I’m out. No more forums for me.
Everything here is what is wrong with the wow community. Period.
Alright. I’m out. No more forums for me.
Youre wrong, Top parses dont mean anything on progression. Grey parses are always relevant. if you are below 20% parsing, you ARE doing something wrong.
I mean, you have to try to wipe on heroic shriekwing and even then it’s still basically impossible to wipe on her.
Exactly, do you not agree that choosing poor company is doing something wrong?
He is the poor company. Your group won’t give you gray parses, they might give you blue or green ones but not grey.
So true man like I think the whole picture of every social dynamic is completely represented on every parse.
There’s no difference between low dps that doing mechanics and just empty spot
Sire is not that difficult but SLG are a freaking snooze fest.
Exactly. Parses only really become an issue if you hit enrage timers on a boss.
tbf, as a melee the only mechanics you need on SLG heroic is really, run out if you got wicked blade, soak the 2nd half of crystalize and do not be directly in Kaals hitbox when she does the wicked blades (as it counts returning to her as a hit). Kill Goliaths asap when they spawn and if you got the orb run to Renethal in the intermissions. Obviously avoid the small circles Gaal does. Soaking the big circles is mainly a ranged job. With very little to do as melee really, how you can get low dps is interesting.
Normal maybe…
Come back when you get AoTC
I use detail for my DPS. It shows you how much you should be doing with the current gear. It actually helps me improve. As I had no clue what it should be till that feature came out. Yes, I did poorly,-1200 DPS. That after I have been trying to get numbers up.
Now the very bad news. Forge is no longer in use. Have to go to each sight a pain.
Assassination is quite literally the lowest parsing DPS in the entire game. It is also the lowest represented class in the entire game.
Who ever could have seen this coming? cough beta cough
Hate to be that guy but the group wasn’t wrong to remove for dps :\
Lastly looking at the logs you have for heroic stone legion general:
all gray parses and the worse one yet on Stone Generals… so with Sire Denathrius having a couple dps checks and especially in the final phase, I can understand why a group that is tight on meeting dps checks would remove players for dps.
Source: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/JaMz7VfrwxAZT2qn#type=damage-done&fight=last
The saddest thing you neglected to mention… it was your very own guild that removed (benched) you as I notice your latest logs are guild logs. Now that’s just cold, but it’s understandable from a guild or raid leader’s perspective, as you can’t let the few hold back the many when you’re doing guild runs and you are asked to sit out (be benched) for certain encounters. It’s a hard decision, but is apart of every guild or raid leader’s and officer’s duty to make the tough decision to which players should be benched for what encounters and when, etc, in an attempt to try to maximize the raid team’s chances of success…
I’ve been benched plenty of times throughout the past for lousy performance even if not my fault (out of my control) such as if my class/spec does horrible dps a particular patch, the other hunters doing much better (better min/maxers or item level, etc), bad RNG (no procs, targeted by too many mechanics to deal with, or bad loot drops), etc, but the key is to understand that it’s for the greater good of the raid, otherwise you may end up with very irritated and frustrated raiders if certain members are holding them back and the leader/officers aren’t taking care of the issue… At least on the bright side, you can always nab the kills for whatever bosses you missed later on when/if the raid reclears it, has it on farm, or does alt runs.
Can’t dps if your dead. I think they may have scapegoated you. But then again I don’t have the full story.
I mean… 1800 dps on Stone Legion doesn’t sound like scapegoat for kicking low dps to me.
Well that would explain how they knew they were removed for low dps.
I’ve seen this happen. Generally, we don’t have to ask people to dip for low DPS (even though we have some). It’s almost always the people who cannot stop dying to bad in phase 1. We have them join us on normal/alt night for a while until they pick it up.
I 100% believe you, but in the meantime, as you look for a guild of nicer people, I recommend working on DPS rotation for raids. I haven’t looked at your logs; I figure enough people in the thread have done that. If you’re surviving an encounter, however, and still have a grey parse, it means there is something fundamental you’re not doing/doing at bad times to damage your DPS. In heroic, you should be doing a solid 4K or better in all encounters (barring bad RNG with always being the guy sent to run stuff out, for example). With your gear, I’d say 3.5k is absolute rock bottom of what’s acceptable.
Sire and Generals will not die if the DPS aren’t doing enough. No amount of healer heroism or tank amazingness can save the raid from low DPS. Sire is 100% a DPS race once people learn to dodge massacre, and you can’t even get out of phase 1 if your DPS is low. It’s just a fact.
So. I 100% believe you. I 100% think you need a more social, laid back group that is interested in its members as people, not just raid slots. I also think you should work on bringing those numbers up.
The problem is that “I did all the mechanics” isn’t a sufficient defense.
DPS is a mechanic. And the ability to do Both is exceedingly important as the content gets harder. If you stop pushing all your buttons in order to not get hit by things, you’re still not actually contributing to the group. You’re just minimizing the amount that you’re handicapping it.
Hitting an enrage, or otherwise messing up a dps check part of a fight is a problem in its own right.
If you’re getting grey parses for ilevel, it should be because you are dead on that fight. Probably for awhile. If you are getting grey parses and not dying, then you are the equivalent of having died during the fight. Which is the same effect as having stood in the fire in the long run, minus the healer stress.
If he was one of the only members who lived throughout most fights? You can’t dps if your dead…
I agree with you op, same thing happened with me a few days ago, I ended up parsing beast mode on my kill the day after.
Okay, so I took some time to go over your logs.
Let’s get something sorted first here. You may think you are playing perfect in your eyes, but you aren’t. You are near the top of damage taken in most fights, and most of that damage you could have at least mitigated, but for the most part it looks like you didn’t know what the mechanic was, or what to look for, and couldn’t defensive it in time.
Secondly, let’s take council kill for instance. You didn’t die, but you were near the bottom. That is an outlaw rogues wet dream of a fight, and you got womped by the entire team. Bladeflurry is quite literally your best friend on that fight. You cleave off your main target, it’s simple. Same goes for a few other cleave fights where you just completely don’t even touch the button.
Look, I’m not gonna go into to much detail here, but you have a lot of work to do. Many underlying issues I see here, and it’s not a wonder you were kicked for denathrius. You just need to work on your rotation, it’s way out of wack, and work on understanding the boss fights.
My advice to you would be find some guides like fatboss on YouTube and watch them, head to the rogue discord and ask for help with your rotation, and if you can identify ui problems.
A good ui is integral to becoming a better raider. You need to have the right weakauras for the content for starters, lots on wago that are tailored specifically to certain encounters. And then placing those weak auras somewhere you will notice them easily.
Make sure you tailor the rest of your ui too. Make sure you can see everything you need to, close to the eye level for things of importance. I’d suggest you take a look at some top raiders ui for inspiration, but try to make it your own. Copying someone else’s isn’t always what’s best for you, it’s best for them. Make it your own, spice it up, and make sure you know where everything is.