Absolutely can be a group of literal failures. If you’re only beating the bosses by brute force even though you fail several mechanics, just a symptom of being overgeared and underskilled. Look at OPs ilvl in teh raid relative to the others.
All I am saying is that when I see people failing mechanics over and over even though they were clearly explained several times and I am personally not failing them, it gets to my performance. Maybe that makes me a bad teammate, I don’t really care. It’s just a game, if the group isn’t fun I’m gonna tune out mentally.
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I know that I’m a better player than most people
I don’t know, homie. Between this post followed by grey parses, and you making multiple posts on the BG forums claiming everyone you get grouped with is trash (except you)–you might need a break to calm down and reevaluate.
If I’ve noticed one thing over the years running with randos, in most cases, the person raging isn’t generally doing all that well. At either rate, I hope things improve for you.
if he was doing around the green pharse yea I’d probably say it’ll be fine. But the issue is on their best pull he was alive for the entire fight and did 700 dps under the tank and just over 100 on the other tank. That tells me he has a major understanding issue on how to play his class
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This is true
It also makes me wonder how OP was one of 6 left alive when the bosses died, but still had low dps
Outliving people in a fight usually guarantees you will out damage them
Kind of suspicious
A good player can do high dps and mechanics at the same time.
Idunno they are the lowest ilvl in group but yeah they didn’t do very good dps. I still think the group had much larger problems and I doubt they ended up succeeding by replacing OP but whatever. To each their own. Not the way I’d run a raid.
carry gets kick simple unless theyre paying
If I looked at your logs it would look like you paid for a carry
You’re absolutely incorrect; 95-100s at this point of the tier come from farm content, if you’re parsing GREY you’re doing your specs rotation completely wrong and have terrible boss uptime.
I regularly parse 80+ on 1st kills, with several 95+s, and so do PLENTY of other good raiders I know.
Hell, I’m pretty sure I only did heroic once or twice before moving to mythic and I have all 95-99s on those kills.
Mechanics are priority, absolutely, but parsing grey means you’re playing completely wrong.
Great pharsers die over and over with great pharses until the rng gods give only the bad grey players all the mechanic’s…Then the magic numbers look so sweet when it finally dies.
No one says anything about the stuff that was stood in, the tunneling that happened… shhh they do not speak of it.
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pugs are dumb, don’t let that get to you
That’s a very fitting guild name for this thread lmao
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Being able to survive doesn’t mean much if you’re not exactly making an impact on the fight itself DPS wise. Good raiders aren’t narrow-focused; they balance mechanics and DPS and don’t excuse one for the shortcomings of the other. DPS is still important, especially at the tail end of Heroic; you can get away with doing awful DPS but doing the mechanics in Normal, you can’t for the final few bosses of Heroic where the expectation is that you have solid DPS and be able to do the mechanics.
While PUG raiding has a number of issues that naturally form through it, this isn’t exactly a great “PUGS BAD” example. This is a you problem, where your DPS fell short of the requirement for Stone Legion Generals and would have fallen short for Sire. Don’t blame the leader for removing you or the nature of PUGs, it’s entirely on your shoulders here.
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I don’t want to be that person but if you’re going here to vent here and not look mat replies then I’m not sure this is the right place to vent about a topic like this.
This is going to sound backwards in a sense, mechanics are everything but if you’re going out of your way doing things that shouldn’t particularly be “your job” or a ranged job unless otherwise assigned you’re just shooting yourself in the foot. If what I saw from early posts where you have grey parses it’s either you’re putting too much on that or you need to work to get somewhere.
Healers can’t heal stupid but they are miniature failsafes sometimes.
It’s like mentality people have to tanks but dps are more expendable. We get yelled at for other people’s screwups or doing something they aren’t used to but if you’re not pulling your weight, it’s time for that epic training montage. Practice makes perfect.
Heck here is my 194 shaman alt who has better parses than this guy with like 1 kill for some bosses on heroic.
I disagree, and your parse is from a guild run unless I am mistaken. Hopping on an alt in a pre-established group doesn’t mean anything, just means you should be able to expect to post a good parse right off the bat unless you’re new to the encounter.
Expect a good parse? Its a 194 alt. My shaman is renown like 12 and people have been clearing heroic for months. Its more than just the group, if you try and tell me that most heroic pugs mess up shriekwing I would not believe you.
Parses are representative of the player, and a parse that below average means you are playing your class wrong or have above average downtime.
just ignore her. She’s just a troll who’s clueless
These are typical players from what I see on pugs.
Die from mechanics
Do mechanics with low HPS/DPS
Do mechanics with average HPS/DPS
Do mechanics with great HPS/DPS
You probably could guess which group of players you will pick.
I could pull numbers as much as some holy priest at 215-218 with 200.
/kek . . … . (10 chars later)