Kicked for low dps - Im doing all the mechanics

In this game…that sounds about right.
Welcome to the sole reason I dont waste my time getting irritated in group content much anymore.


i disagree.

sire is an infinitely easier fight than generals. Ive done it on normal, heroic is no different.

i would do way more dps on that fight. I even practiced on raid finder earlier today to perfect my cooldown usage.

(i know raid finder isnt the same but i TRIED to practice.)

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I get needing to vent, but this forum is not called “Place to Vent”. It is called “General Discussion” and the idea is to discuss things.

Beyond that, for the most part, I agree with you. I do wonder though how you knew you were kicked for low dps. Did someone whisper you and tell you that? Because we never know otherwise, we just see the “You have been removed from the group” message. (As an aside, I’ve always believed that anyone raising a Kick Vote should have to include why, and it should be provided to the person kicked so they know what they have done wrong.)

All that aside, people are often stupid in life, I’ve found. The most intelligent are not guaranteed to have life smarts. I’d assume, if I were you, that I came across a group where someone put up a vote kick and the required number of people didn’t even look to see who it was or why, they just ticked yes.

Stay cool.

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Sometimes it can sound frustrating or very bad.

But I got kicked when before I loot Kaelthas on heroic (we already beat him), and I didn’t get anything in the mail, I talked to a GM and he told me that he couldn’t do anything to know if I got loot or not.

The other time I got kicked for not having the aura before the boss (Inerva), because I had forgotten because of the death, I activated it 3 seconds before I got kicked. And I was in a guild group (I wasn’t part of any guild), and I will never forget NUTS. If I see someone with NUTS, I realised it was toxic for me.

I was doing off spec (holy paladin), I wasn’t doing bad heal, because mastery favors me. doing +2,5hps is not bad for a single-target healer. And they wanted me to do 5k like other classes. And I had the trinket and the sword to make good heals.


I imagine if Blizz added this and then analyzed the data after a year the #1 reason would be “trash” :rofl:


I was kicked on kiljaden after a wipe. I was melee and had to get the swirls because no one else was. Of course I’ll have low dps while ranged doesn’t do the mechanics and unloads.

They probably just said that so they could get a guildy mate in.

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I can’t believe people PuG that level of content.

Call me old school, but isnt it more fun with friends?

Mechanics are the most important aspect BUT, how low of DPS are we talking? Even if all mechanics were done right, that doesn’t excuse abysmal damage.

This is true, but from a raid leader perspective, if your damage is consistently low, Someone not soaking something can be fixed with a simple explanation; someone that doesn’t know their rotation can’t be fixed with a simple explanation.


Sir this is the wow forums take your logic elsewhere

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Oh yeah? Well, not to brag, but I got kicked for low DPS and I wasn’t doing any of the mechanics. I was making a hot pocket :wink:

I’m not kidding, the group was awful and I didn’t care anymore, wanted a hot pocket.


Understand this, good RLs prioritize mechanics then DPS and love when both come together.

You should* be doing good DPS while doing mechanics. Running around just soaking things is useless, your role is to do damage and if your damage is crap your mechanics don’t matter (unless you’re being carried).


This is absolutely untrue, just as an side.

Sire Denathrius is a far higher DPS check. This was our kill this week:

Even our tanks were out DPSing what that Rogue does (at least from the only logs I could find of your Rogue), and everyone in our group does mechanics near perfectly. Phase 1 and 2 are pretty straight forward, but Phase 3 gets hard very quickly, and you need your DPS to be on top to be able to push through it.

Honestly, the group you were in does sound like jerks, but at the same time you definitely need to pick up the damage. You can do mechanics perfectly and still parse higher than grey numbers, Hell even on our incredibly messy Stone Legion Generals kill our tanks were still out DPSing your average.

Granted, we’re also a higher ilvl. So here are our logs for when we were around 207 (your ilvl):

Still pulling almost double what you do. So yes, mechanics ARE very important, but you can also perform mechanics and pull higher DPS. Even if I were to ignore the parses entirely, numerically speaking you should be pulling more.

Granted, this is only based on the logs I saw of you. Without you telling us exactly what your DPS was, it’s difficult to answer better.

My recommendation is to keep at it, but if you want to raid you should find a raid group. Pugging is the worst way to experience the content. But also work on improving your DPS while you’re performing mechanics. I see it, there are two issues here and both need to be worked on in general for your enjoyment of the game.


This is only true on mythic, and even then the generals changes may have shifted that.

Heroic and normal generals are a joke, and sire towers over both difficulties by a huge margin.

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This is true but this lad is literally a consistent gray parser.

If you’re doing all the mechanics and not dying and are STILL gray parsing every single boss you’ve killed there are some issues.


Ya you’re pulling healer levels of dps dude. You don’t get kudos for doing mechanics if you could easily be replaced by a healer who would still be outperforming your dps and also heal the raid.


Raid issues or personal issues, I don’t know. Do you? Are you going to go through all the other dps in each parse to actually understand why OP parsed grey?

Gandalf the Grey is supposed to be a wizard, not a rogue.


Oh you have logs. And yikes!