Kicked for low dps - Im doing all the mechanics

What is considered low DPS? Less than 2k?

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They’re just straight up children though. Especially in bgs, Jesus.


i think he is lying.


To his credit he has been doing mechanics. Little ‘fail’ damage taken and has the same amount of kicks on the other fights. Just needs deeps

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i was doing 3k dps when i personally killed the bosses at the end of the counter.

i was doing more dps than the people who were top dps and were dead at that point idk.

maybe im wrong but you cant do dps if you are dead


Well yah you can do mechanics right but if your DPS is low your practically a carry and a burden to the party.


I would love to see your parses in the raid OP was participating in.

edit: Seriously do a scientific study for us if you’re interested. Drop your ilvl to theirs, and group up with a bunch of failures then post your leet parses and give us advice about how to post strong parses while in the company of literal failures.



It is for the next fight which is Denathrius, that fight is a DPS race more than anything.

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Parses are the one thing i hate in this game more than anything. Classic as well.

Parses are an indication of your raid group’s skill, not your own skill.

For instance i never achieved a 99 parse in classic in naxx because my raid group didn’t kill the boss fast enough. We killed the bosses, but did the mechanics as a priority.

Parses are NO indication of anything except an entire group’s mastery of a boss encounter, not individual skill.

I was in a pickup group. I outperformed everyone in mechanics. I wish that parses took that into account but no.


i’ve never seen a grey parse before
i’m impressed!

keep doing what you’re doing imo :revolving_hearts:


There are interrupts and fail damage taken for which you have done well in.

Exactly. It’s just a gatekeeping tactic so that people in their inner circles can pat themselves on the back and discriminate against those who are yet to find their own inner circle.

Cringe community made the game cringe. I can never imagine taking that level of pride in any mmo. Play mmo to have fun, do something actually impressive if you want to impress others or feel superior.


must be hard as a ranged resto druid in an extremely ranged friendly raid tier

grats btw


hey, i am on your side here
I was a catweaver for years! look at me now :disappointed_relieved:

To be fair. Stone Legion isn’t a DPS check, but if you’re doing low DPS, like super low DPS, even if you’re doing mechanics flawlessly, you’re going to be more of hinderance than a help on Sire.


Until this very moment I thought you were a Build-a-Bear

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You did the mechanic and didnt die, but how come your DPS is lower than those who died? Sorry. I am just making fun of you.


Lets be real, several bosses in CN are dps checks, and meeting those checks are just as important, if not more important then many other boss mechanics.

Part of being a dps is not just being able to handle the bosses mechanics, but being able to maintain your damage while doing so. There’s a balance. Somebody could be doing baller damage but no mechanics and make fights harder on the group, same as somebody doing low damage but following all mechanics.


I’m sorry to be blunt, but you probably got kicked because with that DPS, you’re an absolute liability on Denathrius.

Mechanics and DPS go hand in hand. If you’re not making DPS checks (and Denathrius P3 is a DPS check), it doesn’t matter that you can move out of bad stuff, because you’re not getting the kill before you run out of space in the platform.

I think a healthier attitude towards this would be for you to try to analyze what you’re doing wrong, and try to improve on that. Wowhead has some really good guides for each spec. has some really good weak auras that can help present you the information you need to know in a more clear way than the default Blizzard UI. It all adds up.