Kick never gets abused i've been corrected

lol…now that you mention it…that one has been more times than I would expect.
Still trying to find a good explanation for it. kick comes up right before the last boss more than Id believe.

That would be a start for sure.

As far as I know, that still exists. It’s just that so few people are using vote kick that you hardly ever see it.

And how do you propose they “fix” what isn’t broken?

im fine with that for sure.

So there’s no reason for you to play it…? Do you only subscribe to spam the forums when they need to be spammed?

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lmao…good question.

A few people here have tested it out recently. Apparently it doesn’t.


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Getting a 30 minute debuff for being randomly kicked isn’t broken?

I guess poorly designed / overlooked is more apt.


sorry english is my 2nd language, i might have not expressed myself properly. i understand i can solo, i meant that delves themselves are too inconvinient for my lazyness, i wouldnt mind being able to solo queu them in the LFD from dorgonal instead of having to fly everywhere.

It isn’t because of how it came about.

It’s the lesser of two evils.

yeah…just fixing the timeout will be a HUGE improvement to stop the kick abuse from screwing with innocent players.

I still think 3 kicks PER day PER Bnet is MORE than enough…and anyone ‘needing’ more is abusing the system themselves.

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The deserter wasn’t the original intention to being kicked. But they added it because of people exploiting the queue system in order to get around the deserter.

i get that for sure, hopefully they find a solution eventually, very complex for sure.

ah…I see.
Im VERY tired, lol…you probably explained just fine and my eyes read it backwards or something lol.

I fully understand.
sometimes I want to run a classic dungeon for crap and its just sOOOO far to fly to and I wish we had a ‘farming’ queue for running dungeons solo lol

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As for if 3 is enough, it depends on what people do.

Would’ve totally kicked players when I did timewalking. (Didn’t have UI setup properly.)

People are horrible, and tolerance for playing with bad players is limited.

And that’s on Blizzard for putting outsized rewards in Timewalking.

Cool, this won’t solve anything because the issue isn’t just a few people kicking a lot of people all the time.

The reason there are so many complaints is because a lot of people are kicking the few people repeatedly.

Limiting the number of kicks each person can do per day won’t solve your problem when the person whining about getting kicked is getting kicked 7 times by 7 different people.

At the last boss a 15 minute debuff would be reasonable.

VERY broken given the trolling abuses of the kick currently.

Theyve made tweaks to the system before…we’ll keep riding them till they make some common sense tweaks again lol

You mean cut the timeout in half if you get kicked before the last boss?