Kick never gets abused i've been corrected

Well, there is probably better options out there, but also keep in mind, some options could also deter people away from queuing for dungeons, making the queues longer. It is very complex to find a solution that works for everyone.

lmao…looks like someone kicked the nest again. pathetic

i’ve yet to see any actual evidence of someone being randomly kicked for no reason. lots of people stream. lots of people record their gameplay. hell, windows even has a built in replay feature that can be enabled that will constantly record your last hour or whatever of gameplay to pull up when you want it. and yet… not once has any of these threads posted a video showing such a random, uncalled for, kick.

and in my own several hundred runs i have also never seen anyone get kicked randomly. not even me, a scrub tank who has wiped at least one timewalking raid.

kinda makes me suspicious this isnt an issue.

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Usually people kick others that are lost.

Like getting lost in Dawnbreaker.

keep abusing the flag, locs…PROVE my case to V in here that you are STALKING me and false flagging lmao

I hate that dungeon I don’t even know what I’m doing or where I’m going that one I would have to do with a group of friends.

People do legit auto-click yes no matter what.

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In low level groups I see people getting kicked all the time for no reason. Ill vote yes too without reading it half the time. I don’t really care if people get kicked either. If Blizzard wants to fix it great otherwise its whatever imo.

Because you don’t perceive a reason, doesn’t mean there wasn’t one.

They do not even read the kick, that’s how the random “awkjdjkla” kicks go through. They just want to continue the dungeon without even looking at the reason.

There’s a reason

The Blue said there could be no reason, so…yes there could be no reason lmao.

There wasnt one for me. I doubt my decisions around clicking yes or no are that unique that Im the only one that does this.

Because the reason why someone needs to be gone is self-evident, and why bother typing a reason?

What’s understood need not be said.

Yeah, except, if you’re being vote-kicked out, you can’t see what you’re being kicked out for.

Then why bother having to type a reason to kick? Let’s just kick without the pop up then!

No they don’t. Clicking yes is the opposite of moving on. It’s making it so you need to look for another person. Are you saying you are just clicking yes without thinking? Because that’s not saying anything good about you.

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I’m for that.

Everyone votes to kick, no popups. Once threshold is passed, person is kicked.

It really does a disservice to panda representation.

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