Holy crap yes I do remember you Psynapse! I’m probably playing horde in classic because of my new lame friends, are you going PvP or PvE server?
Bah we can use the OG druid for this thread haha
Lol hey man far out, good old beardo and his boyfriend za, couple of great blokes i remember them well too.
Lol amen to that, titania was bloody annoying, i left not long after he took over from rysst. I remember being a raid leading douchebag swearing like a sailor. Man i cringe thinking about that lol. What was your toons name? Was vamp a rogue? I remember dueling a rogue out front of IF all the time as a holy pally, heaps of fun
I vaguely remember that name bro
yeah man looking to it definitely I came back to wow for it I quit before legion came out since pvp wasn’t that good anymore. I haven’t heard from any1 back in khazgoroth but most likely went to another server since, the oceanic server are based in Australia.
Omg Neocron!! Do you remember little 12 year old Zathrain rogue from our ZG days haha?
I came back 2 years ago and reconnected with Azaliea and Amarat. Am still plays too, are you back for classic?
haha yeah, I was the who mainly typed but my dad didn’t lol. yeah definitely true those where the good old days, we quit raiding after WOTLK and being a causal pvper after that until we quit before legion. the pvp isn’t the same. that’s why I I came back to wow because of classic and we going horde this time for a different experience.
Woah! What the hell?! So many familiar names, and even more nostalgia.
I used to raid with Blackwing under the name of Caseyw (warlock) in TBC. I raided with Thrusting, who I believe was the GM of Blackwing.
In Vanilla I played a NE Hunter called “Hemo” (perhaps I was in Requiem? Long time…). I have fond memories of being carried in BG groups by Munikal, who taught me lots about hunter back in the day. I’ve since managed to catch up with a few people, stay in contact with some others.
I eventually transferred off to Thaurissan. Will be playing classic on the OCE PVP Arugal. Probably a Shaman named “Relapze”.
<- Ziphr, Human Rogue < Deus Conclave >
*Saiyuri, I finally rolled Warrior end of vanilla and main tanked BC. It was the best choice, I should have listened to you earlier
*Celfie, My ninja. I think they wrote a song about you.
*Tyranous/Flange, I’m pretty sure I was there when Dunkmaster won that Finkles. What I’m not sure about is, if he ever used it.
Also Dunk, Echo has a kid. Like, legally. Hes a parent. Its weird.
Most importantly, to all my DC homies who went to Madoran: It took me 6 years to figure this out. It was Marius, Ragnork and Cobalt who stole your damn names! Marius and Ragnork transferred off to a different server and Cobalt… hes Cobalt, theres a reason nobody likes him. The rest of us didn’t find out until Firelands.
I mean, yes- Stry, Diz, Echo and I took some inconsequential names and your guild name. But that came later after we got harassed and sh*t talked for a week over some drama we knew nothing about. That part was both hilarious and justified! :>
We suspected the whole name thing was some master plan by Edding to rally the the guild. (Which worked, we lost several DC apps)
Marthorin, Kamoril, Byork, Kyleen, Magdalicious o/
Hello! Old school Brace of Knaves player here! Used to play on my night elf hunter (Faloray) and swapped to my druid late-BC.
My brother was Nemises (warrior tank) & my now-partner is Beregron.
I remember a few names - Mogs & Tartaros I remember you both, Ramparts was the guild leader at the time and then swapped to Feldheim.
There was also Diatribe, Wolfreen, Finged, Elitemage, Brokenllama, Flyte (and his missus that I’ve forgetten the name of), Ednaryte, Tinkette, Chinzee, Bonecollectr, Nanoputian, Jhessail (spelling?), Cannister, Yogsothoth, Valhallah, Zauk, and the dwarf pally that had the ham sammich macro!! Just forgot his name
((some of those may be from BC as they’ve kind of melded into one in my memory))
Coperfield, Mage: the best there was hit level 60 just befor burning crusade…
Aprille… I need to check this thread more… Memorieeeessss…
I love seeing people talk about the old names. I have a few screenshots from random runs we did, I stole some from the Blackwing forums before they imploded years ago (such as Teapot’s adventures) and have a few videos as well for some mad nostalgia!
Hemo! I remember you! man that was so long ago I think i’ve got screen shots of some of our banter back in vanilla!.
YES!!! There you are! I recall our WSG shenanigans like it was yesterday. Just you and i in the center, shutting the place down.
Eradan from Azeroth Elites, then Elune. Rank 12 fury warrior with Thunderfury.
Used to run premades with Glowing and Liken.
Fondly remember epic premades against Demoen (sp?) and Kazahara
Miss my buddy Keruen.
Haha, we used to roll premades together…some of the best matches I’ve played to date, against Demoen, Kazahara and their crew…hour and a half long warsongs with like 50 flag returns.
Hope the years have been kind to ya mate and hope to see you in game.
lol ya man it was super fun and nice back in the days . I will be in game back for sure on launch day back at it again lmao hope to see you guys in game to.
Hey Neck,
Wonder if you remember me i played a hunter back then named Psyconaut. Me and my rl friend (Hexas) made the guild kEePeRs Of DaRkLoRe. Hi Zathy i remember you as well
Hags/Littlehags!!! Gillik here!!! I joined right as it was going PvE and then became . Most memorable thing with all those folks was making fun of Kimer and when we finally killed Ragnaros!!! We all go drunk in IF by the bank! Fun times back then.