Yo, i remember you Lusi. And Rysst, whisperwind, deeptrance, carnophage. And Beardo of course. I played a warlock, name was Aprille. Edit: Mistikina as well
Hey Onni! I think I remember you! Did you raid woth TDU?
Tartaros Human Warlock from [Splintered Existence] / [Brace of Knaves] / [Conquer].
I spent more time playing during BC than Vanilla but looking forward to playing Classic
This is great, so much nostalgia!
I was in Time with this character, name was Geneveive - I just dropped some unnecessary letters along the way. Great times. I have fond memories of AQ and less fond memories of not being able to safety dance during Heigan >.<
I remember our druid lead, Glow I think their name was, just being an amazing help in my early days, and Vali doing absurd dps all the time, and Glowing bringing PVP virus to every damn raid haha. Also Hammertime’s MC macro!
During BC there were lots of guilds, shoutout to any Resolve and Conquer members, probably some of my favorite times on wow were spent with those guilds.
Your name sounds VERY familiar. What guild were you in?
No, i was with Blackwing
Roch Human Warrior (aka Solonorr, Raynorr)
I was MT of Time. I got to play with some amazing people/players in the golden age of WoW such as: Trindade, Jezebell (my younger sister irl), Mithaniel, Glowing, Newvian, Vali, Hammertime, the pally brothers(sorry can’t remember toon names) plus sooo many more that i can’t remember everyone’s names.
I’ve been playing off and on over the years, checking out each expansion with different characters but nothing was as special as it was in vanilla and in Time.
I’ll be on Arugal but still unsure what i will main lol.
Hope to catch up with other former members of Time.
Btag Solonorr#1943
Adalia - N.E. Priest - Time Guild
Rolled on Khaz the day the server started, remember leveling up with Trindade and forming Time when we could scrape together enough 60s early on.
Have a lot of fond memories of our early raids and PVPing endlessly to climb the ranks. Left fairly early on in Khaz’s life as I burnt out at rank 12 and also found out my cousins played on Blackrock so moved server to play with them.
Been playing on and off casually for the last 15 years, currently maining a Mage on Frostmourne when I’m subbed. Planning to play on the Aus PVP realm for classic.
Shoutout to any oldschool Time members, especially my fellow priest buddies Jezebell, Littled, Saryn, Seldas, and others I remember well like Trindade, Esteryla, Mithaniel, Krion, Glowing, Roope and so many more. Be great to catch up again if you plan to play, or even just to say hi <3
I recognize Newvian and Roch from this thread, good to see there’s some old guys still around. Tell Jezebell Adalia says hello
Few old screenshots I had lying around for any interested:
imgur /zwY6QBt - Early Time MC raid (13/1/06)
imgur /ksAzXuf - First Razorgore kill in BWL (5/2/06)
imgur /G5zOLLF - PVP rank farming group (30/1/06)
imgur /sdgxGfb & /QBgnE39 - Some ‘Wisdom’ from Glowing xD (17/12/05)
human warlock tigereyez
human rogue redsonyah
NE hunter kilgrath
server khaz’goroth
looking to se if any old guildys are coming back
lost all my old screenshots so no list of old guilds
Hey man, that is the same Marlise (human female mage)! I knew him as well, we used to raid molten core together a long time ago. Some of those people I referred to started a guild called Hellfire Hellions on Khazgoroth and I believe many of them transferred to Nordrassil. Good to hear from you!
Gen, Awesome to see you here!
Hammer time’s macro was the best!
Yeah I did Tim. We did Onyxia, MC, BWL, I dont rmember doing much in AQ/Naxx tho with raiding.
I was a Dwarf Hunter named Flange in the guild Jade Falcons. I led frequent UBRS pugs, usually 8-12 daily and we were a well known PUG group that didn’t take bull**** from people and booted jerks on the spot. Took me 92 clears to get Finkle’s Skinner finally because of all the damn rogues rolling need on it when they didn’t even have skinning and I was too nice of a Master Looter to deny them.
Also my BTag is Razza#1935, I reserved your name for you if you want it.
Hey Tyranous, I remember you!
I played a Nelf Rogue named Dunkmaster (Deus Conclave) back in the day and rolled on one of those Finkle’s.
Thanks bud!
Hi legends,
Nath/Naff/Naffles here, warrior from Conquer - founded reasonably late in Vanilla, a pseudo competant raid guild. I played Vanilla and BC, then very casually after that.
Looking forward to reconnecting with some old friends from the golden years. We’ve managed to put together a group of 20 odd ex-Conquer members through friends/friends-of-friends on facebook, and hoping to add to the list - hopefully this post finds the right people!
Cheers, nath
Oh wow Lusi! i remember you! I also remember Rysst and his amazing voice…only to be replaced by titania’s voice…downgrade imo. (vampiria used to call him t!ts for short and he would winge about it all the time)
That’s me! Haha small world my dude! MoH was the first guild i joined back in the days, met so many cool peeps there.
that last post was me…not sure why it jumped to my demon hunter XD
I remember you! Hunter Psynapse was me, joined middle of TK tier as the guild was progging pushing into Hyjal and BT. Fun times!
add my btag psyOPs#1398