Khaz'goroth Alliance Reconnections

As soon as I saw your name I said "I remember him from when we PvP’d in and !!! Kimer and them left WoW when the Star Wars MMO came out after Burning Crusade.

Name/s- dazl, foladian, compulsory, crooko
Guild - Stormriders I think it was called- played with shankerleez, bazmont

Dazl was a rogue, compulsory a mage

I also remember playing with a warrior called stephh, and a rogue called zyreth back in bc.

Remember it like it was yesterday :smiley:

This is the original Vampiria toon from 2004/2005. Rystt was great. T!ts and I did not get along at all, hahaha. I’m trying to convince Nutcase to come back and play a lil classic, not sure i’ll have much luck though.

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hahaha yep, Vampiria, Human Rogue. Those duels were great.

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A group of us are rolling on Pagle come classic.
There’s this warrior and his farmer suit and Mr. Wiggles. A few priests and a mage. Oh, and my self.

Hey Naff - What server are you guys getting together on for Classic? You heard from Ewaybean or Darkpuddles?

Hey Lai,

So many familiar names there, what server are you guys planning on playing on? Maybe we can catch up again!

I’ve got a small group of RL friends together to level and play with but we’ll be looking to make or join a guild at some point.

hey man its sazbo/geldonn here priest and war , used to knock on with you heaps also had a 29 twink clearshot hunter

You don’t know me Lai, or maybe you do through reputation back in the day haha.

My brother is Zauk and he’s mega hyped for classic :slight_smile: we’re rolling alliance on Arugal

Hi, Mightstrike here. I still play on Khaz’goroth - very casually now - but used runaround as Rjat (dwark tank) in 2005-2007 where I raided with the guild Reign. Used to have good times with Arthalis, Dingledangle, Sethrah, Maveshade and others levelling up. I’ll be on Remulos this time, levelling either as a dwarf pally (Mightstrike) or human warrior (Rjat).

Tell Nutcase hello from Palekate : ) I remember he rolled a toon on the NA server when I moved to visit sometimes back in BC.

Hellraiser here!! No idea where anyone else ended up as well…

Dragonfyre, NE rogue, Aspén, NE warrior

played on Khaz’goroth and ended up taking the free transfer to Dath’Remar oceanic.

im in Aus, will be alliance on Remulos for classic. love to see some old faces

hi I played on khaz through vanilla as alliance I had a warrior called geldonn and had a s/priest called sazbo or geldon im not sure now ha. I used to play heaps with another warr call avrum and a mage called coperfield. also a pally by the name bethrezini. I also had a twink hunter called clearshot

Well Eradan, guess I’m going to have to heal you back to Grand Marshal! I remember that thunderfury farming like it was yesterday :slight_smile: Best times ever bud. Figured I give the forums a shot and see if you were here.

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I remember Hariloon! He was in Giant Communist Robots for a while. No idea what happened to him though, sorry.

Dude! Haha, damn good to hear from ya mate! Where are you playing? I’ll message ya on Keruen on khaz.

Don’t know why it defaulted to Ihllyn…

Vamp you crazy hooligan, how you goin’ mate! I still have half of you on facebook! VB and Brudda thinking of playing at all?