Guild - Mark of Honor
Ragz - Night Elven Warrior
Ragnarage - Night Elven Hunter
Guild - Mark of Honor
Ragz - Night Elven Warrior
Ragnarage - Night Elven Hunter
Maimiac - Nelf Warrior
Maimalina - Human rogue
I’ll be playing horde pvp with a few old friends but would be nice to see anyone else I’ve lost contact with (come back and carry me again Mcwalters!).
I played Warlock under the name Tzacharu. My guild was originally called something like Decimate (with a line through the middle of the D) but got renamed to Requiem I believe. I could be wrong about the rename, but if you recognize me or either of those guilds, get in touch with me and maybe we can play together again!
Kalliadaes, Human Warlock. I don’t remember my guilds, I was in a few.
Brevrmordel, Dwarf paladin, Eternal Wrath, Imminent Destruction and Stormwind Magic.
Bud, did you ever play in a guild named Hellfire Hellions on the Nordrassil server? I don’t know if I’m on the right track here, but I used to play with a lot of folks who transferred (along with me) to Nordrassil after playing in for awhile. Aldernon, Josette, Dylo, and a few others stand out in my mind. I’m not sure if those names ring any bells for you.
Anywho, I remember fondly playing with a kind soul who semi-mained (if memory serves) Marlise, a Priest or Mage I believe. A lot of your character names make me think you may be that guy, but I’d hate to assume. If this is you – Hey! It’s me, Jon! (If you remember me, that is.)
Where’s Beardruid
Hey mate,
I use to play a Human Priest in as well. I was only there for a few months during AQ40 and Naxx.
Yea iknowright, Enigmanova was a more toxic troll than me
Anyone from Keepers of the Dragon coming back?
Hi all!
Visish/NE/Resto Druid… Most might remember me as a child at the time, I was mostly active late classic and BC in American Legion Status.
I was in KotD when I leveled, and was there until I started raiding with Blackwing! I’m REALLY hoping that the guy I leveled with shows up somewhere as I was always wondering what happened to him (Mage by the name of Hariloon!)
OMG! It’s you! How have you been bro?
And for anyone still looking to reconnect, funnily enough this is still the same character I’ve had since that time. Maybe people remembered my first name Raaza, maybe not. Still the same old Råå though! xD
Leogh’s still around playing warlock on Barthilas.
Was in Decimate/Requiem and later Eternity
Good times!
Playing Spriest on Barthilas these days.
I finally found someone i used to play with. I was one of the Spriest in GOAT, Rithanaig. i was always in your healer group.
Rithanaig- Night Elf Priest
Fraben- Night Elf Druid
I started playing at the end of vanilla was in a leveling guild ran by a warrior names Fishlord. During BC i played the most and was in one of the few Eastern raiding time guilds like Ascendancy, Requiem, GOAT as the bigger ones.
Liveroos/Curruptus here. From what I remember we were once in a guild together, and I would whisper you for advice on my Shaman once you moved onto the higher tier guilds. Think you may have also xferred to Thaurissan as I did.
Hey Hags, and Littlehags. I remember trying to figure out which one of you were playing at any given time. I’ve been playing off and on since Nov 2004. I’ve played both Alliance and Horde side and been in a lot of guilds over the years. But, I never found a group of people that I enjoyed playing with as much as our guild mates from Legends, Decimate, and Requiem. I certainly hope some of them decide to give Classic a try. It would be great to reconnect with some of them.
Timdog! My toon’s name was Onni a dwarf hunter I was in TDU until the split and I went to Molotov for BC.
I don’t know if anyone will even remember me. I had a small guild that I ran with for a while when I first started that helped little noob me quite a bit. Eventually joined a larger group to get into raids. I honestly can’t remember guild names well, but I know one of the players was named Eternity (not the guild). I mainly played Elrohir- NE hunter and Pellinore- Dwarf pally. I jumped server to Staghelm around BC launch. So this is more of a longshot, but if anybody is coming back and remembers me, I just came back to current WoW too. So I’ll be in both.