Khaz'goroth Alliance Reconnections

Hey guys! Demonatrixx here!
I have been playing this toon since the day I started. I was a nelf resto druid in the guild Blackwing. I used to be based on Khaz but had to transfer servers along the way. I am hoping to connect with heaps of people who i used to play with

Hey Liken, i remember you well. You were the pally class leader in Blackwing before you went to Time. I was the pally Lusi, i remember we had a nerd rage arguement over buff assignments in MC. Do you remember Rysst our Hunter GM, and Titania the guy who took over after him with a little girls voice lol.


Ohh i remember you demon! Man what a blast from the past lol.

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Jesus, plenty of familar names here.

Few old Alliance names in here i remember and even played with in Legend/Decimate then Eternity and doing BWL with Tanja and Leogh.

After Blackwing transfered went back to playing Horde.

Yeah i remember you Miscah, Boat and Beeve, those whitehood outfit marches in ironforge, Stealing Time’s AQ lockout.

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Damn this brings back some memories!

PLayed back during 2006 as Champtim dwarf Paladin, had a few people who i met up with in STV who left an everlasting impression on me, they were a couple at the time, night elf rogue and a gnome mage.

Hopefully will run back into them one day.

I remember you, Miscah! Hi!

I somewhat remember the name from Eternity.
As for Tanja and Leogh, I haven’t heard those names in years.
I’m still in contact with Riven from time to time.

Cover NE Druid was in the guild Tough Guys.

Urza-pewpew here from Blackwing! Love seeing these old names. Shout-out to everyone that is still kicking around out there :smiley:

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Oh I knew you still played, think I ran into you at some point. I wonder if our fearless leader Cottoncandy is returning and Azurika’s weekly ZG runs. Makin sure we only “roll need on one BeeJoo”


Any DC peoples looking to roll into Classic?

And hi old school KG nagas!

i played as clijin the human warrior
guild was sword of truth
would be good to see all my old guild mates unfortunately most of them deleted there accounts

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Lol no i don’t remember his name or toon i remember i was in a guild before Time i forgot it was Blackwing until you remind me my brain is getting old lol.

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Timdog ftw! I used to be in Thunder Down Under until it got a bit elitist and split off into ‘Endeavour’. Anyone around from those days?


Janaq / Night Elf / Hunter.
Played with some splendid people in “Spirit Warriors” - would love to reconnect.
(In BC I formed the Horde guild Scar, Redlocker was my main - still is).


Lorisagar human pally

Hello. I started playing WoW mid-2005. I played a human priest Tantalizing. Guild used to be GOAT and we did some hardcore Molten Core etc. I would like to play with you girls again and some guys :smiley: Cass, Kisses, Yawa. Girls we need to play this again.

Moglin/Gnome Warrior- Hey all Looking for anyone who use to play in [Brace of Knaves] (BoK) back in Vanilla would be great to catchup , Cheers.

I wasnt playing this toon, was a human Paly called Trajan, probably joined sometime during early AQ40, remember having to heal on Huhuran, wasn’t fun.

Seen Leogh once upon a time in Eye of the storm, was a warrior on Blackrock i think been a few years.