Khadgar vs. Jaina

Kadghar would easily kill her. He’s the guardian and most powerful mage on Azeroth rn. He’s well beyond Jaina in combat, ability, experience and wisdom.

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Nope, that wouldn’t have Sylvanas being villainous enough, Golden would amp that up to a thousand.

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Yet still redeem her

Loses? You sure about that? The alliance successfully invades, destroys, and kills the King of the Zandalari Trolls - King Rastakhan.

Jaina then pulls you out into the ocean to fight her and freezes the literal ocean with her power, in addition to making an unpassable ice storm that the only reason you’re able to survive is from residual powder kegs quite literally blowing yourself up in order to not freeze to death. While simultaneously flying a ship around mid air with magic and blasting your raid.

And if you did succeed at that, you still do not kill her. She literally decides that you are done fighting. Like, she’s literally like “Aight, I’m bored of this. I’m teleporting out” - AND LITERALLY DOES. She quite literally just goes “nah.” and that’s the end of it.

That’s the total definition of plot armor.


He was barely given any direction by the guy before having to kill him and, iirc, the curse he was put under forced his experience to be useful almost only as a birds-eye leader and the occasional artillery strike until about the time of Medievh’s resurrection and return (WC3 era, at which point Jaina was already a prodigy studying under a teacher who actually… taught, even if not terribly well either).

Jaina probably beats him out slightly when it comes to duel-applicable magics, albeit largely just because she better knows how to protect herself while layering stronger offensive magics and she does seem to tap into that something extra when she gets real mad (actually, much like previous Guardians who were much less… restrained than Khadgar, not that she is one).


Atiesh was replaced by T6 BT staff off Illidan but that was many expansions ago. Jaina should win.

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Khadgar wins because Jaina is too busy groaning at his awful one-liners to actually concentrate on dealing damage.


Khadgar. His dad jokes are overkill.


Can you get any lower?

Also, let me say that was big brain. You, sir, are correct. Never forget Magnus Manastorm is still out there… And his lore points to Shadowlands as a source of power for him…

@Semisonic, yeah I see the power creep issue. Unfortunately, BfD only showed us that Jaina can run away better than Rastakan, which knowledge of arcane teleportation isn’t really contraposition with her story (where the sudden expanse of her Frost magic however was).

To try and see what you’re saying, Sylvanas is the epitome of “plot armor” right now. So maybe I just look at Jaina and go “psssh, it’s not that bad”, even when it is a little incredulous. I just learned what a Mary Sue was after the Saurfang encounter, so I still have a lot to learn.

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The guy. Just follow the science.

Not true, though.

Q would kick his @$$ in a heartbeat…wait

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He could jump and cut them down with his lightsabees, like he did with those jedi in Revenge of the Sith. He could randomly them before they could cast any spells.

If they did cast spells, he could easily feflect them with his lightsaber. Warriors can reflect spells with swords and shields, so a Lightsaber would have to work.

Easily Jaina. No contest whatsoever.

Khadgar would try to bore everyone to death with one of his monologues. Before he’s even half done talking, Jaina would bust out some epic ice spell and one-shot him.

And everyone would rejoice.

Q could just change the laws of physics, and also turn into a mariachi as a bonus :wink:

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I’d say kadgar, he had battled many a foe, most more powerful then himself, but he always found a way to outsmart his foes.

Kadgar is a rare example of a smart character who don’t need power to beat his foes in WoW.

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Khadgar of course
knowledge first~

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Khadgar SHOULD be the winner but Blizzard loves making Jaina as unreasonably overpowered as possible when it suits her soooo…


Probably Jaina, though it would be less of a fight and more of Jaina stabbing him in the back like she does with the rest of her allies. If it was a fair fight then Chadgar would win.

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Khadgar. Cause he’s a man. However, Jaina would easily win in a contest to see who could make 100 sandwiches the fastest…and that folks is a little joke. So lighten up.

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Khadgar by far.

We see Khadgar exercise mastery over all three forms and combine them into powerful magics.

Jaina only stacks up to him if you include her plot armor. No doubt, she is powerful… but she isn’t on the same level of Khadgar.

-edits to add-

Not to mention that Khadgar has access to the resources of both Dalaran and Karazhan.

Has Jaina been allowed back into the inner sanctums and resources of Dalaran after she was removed from leadership by Khadgar at the start of Legion?

-edits the edit to add-

Speaking of which, it wasn’t that long ago that Khadgar flexed hard on Jaina and ran her out of town. That alone answers the question.

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