Khadgar vs. Jaina

But Medivh knew how to party

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Whichever one that can manage their GCDs better.

The Lore doesn’t say that. It merely says she’s the strongest mortal sorceress. The lore also says Khadgar is the most knowledgeable mage in the world. Plus he’s also extremely powerful, as seen in the WC2 cinematic where he blows up the Dark Portal.

That’s debatable. Antonidas was a genius. However, Medivh knew things about the universe that no other mage knew. He had cosmic knowledge about other worlds and the flow of magic that the Kirin Tor has no access to that knowledge.


Hmm, it’s a good question. Khadgar has Atiesh, more experience and was trained by Medivh but Jaina was a natural prodigy, trained by Antoinidas and the Kirin Tor, and absorbed Lei Shen’s power into her staff. She’s got the edge in power definitely, but I think Khadgar has a much bigger advantage in that uses all 3 schools of magic. Watch Khadgar destroy the dam in the Draenor intro, he blasts with all 3 types of magic in a massive detonation.


Wizards are like Kung Fu masters: the older you are, the more you know and the deadlier you are.


Jaina has more raw power, but Khadgar has more experience, plus he’s cool as a cucumber.

Except that Khadgar has spent most of the years since Legion studying Medivh’s work for this exact reason. (And of course he was Medivh’s apprentice to begin with.)

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This really isn’t a huge thing. Atiesh still has more power inside of it compared to what Jaina was able to get from Lei Shen. It was even additionally infused with the power of 6 more mages before given to Khadgar.

still wrong that all powerful mages in Azeroth are humans they should be lower than gnomes mages.


Or, or, or, hear me out.

They tried to corrupt him over Jaina because they knew Jaina would whoop them.

Jaina absorbed part of the power of the Focusing Iris when she was caught in the explosion aftermath at Theramore, it’s why her hair bleached white.

She also has the power of Lei Shen, and indirectly the power of a Titan, inside of her staff.

Have you seen Khadgar commanding a ghost ship with arcane magic strong enough to blast through the walls of Lordaeron? Have you seen Khadgar actually hold the blight at bay with frost magic? No. No you haven’t.

That isn’t even close to comparable to Khadgar. And also half wrong.


40 to 50 Year Old Man vs late 30s woman? Hmm? Not much of a real faction war challenge.

No, they tried to corrupt Khadgar because Jaina was already a dreadlord.

Khadgar is more crafty and nuanced…Jaina is more brute force. I think it would depend on the circumstances that pit them against each other that could be the deciding factor.


Jaina fluctuates between warmonger and peacemaker too much to make her mentally stable enough to stand toe-to-toe against someone like Khadgar.

Emotion can only carry you so far.

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The amount of mastery it takes to stop time itself pales in comparison to making a boat fly.


Medivh even considers him as power as a Guardian without even being transferred the powers.

Either that or Manduin walks in sporting a golden aura to stop the fight and tell them to get along while they get dazzled by his sheer awesomeness.

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Well the gnome mages keep trying something outrageously outside their ability to control and getting blown up or mashed

Khadgar, but they would let Jaina win to be more diverse or something.

If Golden wrote it, Sylvannas would walk in blast both of them into oblivion laugh then walk away. Anduin would get up wipe his armor off and call to the light then they’d say next book see you there