Dadgar. Jaina is strong, but she is not “trained by Medivh and capable of defeating Medivh with only the help of an orc” strong. All Jaina has done is make some popsickles and try to…have fun with the blue dragon aspect.
Beared Khadgar wins
shaved Khadgar is a chump
Why are they mad at each other? sniff
Back before Draenor, Khadgar was obviously the more powerful mage. Now that he’s Dadgar, the dad-joking loser, Jaina wins.
Jaina. She has proven to be a little more murderous than Khadgar recently.
As Stan Lee said: Who’s stronger? Whoever the writer wants to make stronger…
What about Azshara? Azshara was a raid boss in a higher tier raid after all.
She’s a woman, can’t have men winning over women in media anymore, the outcry would be so big they would have to retcon the fight saying the man cheated or used drugs to get more powerful and that’s why the woman lost.
Jaina is raw power, her magical abilities is why her enemies refer to her as a Witch (especially the Zandalari who saw the Mogu, Queen Azshara (before sundering), but Kadghar is Skill and knowledge, he studied under Mediv, has been the only person exposed to the whole glory and secret knowledge of Karazhan, not to mention, the Legion considered him such a danger that their first approach was to enlist him.
Kadghar would win the fight.
It would be an interesting fight, certainly. At this stage they would both be fairly equal in terms of experience and likely ability. It would probably come down to just how powerful does the Titan Power imbued within Antonidas’ staff make Jaina.
Khadgar apprenticed to Medivh, but Medivh was killed before Khadgar finished his apprenticeship.
Khadgar also gained practical magical combat experience throughout the Second War, and in the War beyond the Dark Portal. As well as survival experience in the years since then trapped on a hostile world that was in the process of shattering in the twisting nether and where all the native beings of said shattering planet were trying to kill him and the soldiers with him.
We don’t know how much action Khadgar saw from Wrath - WoD… he may have been on vacation or pouring through Karazhan during that time but his activity throughout WoD and Legion show that he definitely is not a slouch, nor becoming decrepit.
Jaina on the other-hand is younger, but has a more formal education than Khadgar having actually finished her apprenticeship under Antonidas, the Archmage of Dalaran at the time.
She has practical combat experience throughout the 3rd War, and has been involved in almost every war and campaign from Wrath onwards.
She also, unlike Khadgar, attempted to train an apprentice of her own (who was killed in Theramore).
While Khadgar wields Atiesh, the staff of Guardians, Jaina wields the staff of Antonidas that is also imbued with the power of the Titans after absorbing the Titan Essence that the Thunder King took from Ra-den.
I would say they have equal combat experience.
Probably equal education. (While Antonidas had more time with Jaina, Medivh’s education of Khadgar may have been more effective.)
Equal, or near-equal combat equipment.
It may come down to individual personality, ingenuity, preparation, or stamina.
I don’t recall off the top of my head how old Khadgar was when he was apprenticed to Medivh… he could be anywhere from 15 - 25 years older than Jaina, and the curse that Medivh hit him with, instantly turning him into an old man whilst in his youth and prime may not do him any favors on that front either.
It is, unfortunately, likely a fight that the outcome is determined by the Author and their individual biases.
Khadgar tips his hand by incrementing the kill counter in Warlords intro sequence.
By breaking the fourth wall, he has TRANSCENDED power itself.
Do not think of him as some conjuror of cheap dad jokes. Jaina is a victim to the story, while Khadgar is actively manifesting new potentialities for the story’s future.
You’d think so but apparently he hit his head extremely hard in Draenor, lost about 75 points of IQ and forgot most of what he knew.
Jaina this isn’t even a fair comparison. Lore wise she’s the strongest magic user on Azeroth save Azshara/Aegwynn
pulls out notepad
How does one get Jaina to cast this… /tickle spell on them?
Jaina was the apprentice of Antonidas and wields his staff. Antonidas was arguably a greater mage than Medievh, but he didn’t have the Power of Tirisfal. Jaina absorbed the power of Lei Shen. She also learned a lot studying under Kalecgos, the Aspect of Magic. If we’re gonna go on lore here, I doubt Khadgar would scoff at her.
Oh Grymauch, I think you know how…
I don’t know how I could explain it clearer. Khadgar is the stronger mage by a landslide. She could probably hold her ground for a moment but that’s it. The things you listed are nothing compared to the power of Atiesh and all the training Khadgar has had.
Khadgar, he is funny.
You didn’t explain it. Antonidas was a better mage than Medivh.