Khadgar Missing in Dalaran

I am also having this issue. I have tried every possible thing that I can think of. It is definitely bugged. Please give us an official response…all my remix characters are essentially bricked on doing the legion campaign.

Adding to the pile Khadgar is missing on all my toon (remix and non-remix alike) can’t continue the class mount chain. Really REALLY hope this gets fixed soon

This is exactly where I am stuck. Trying to get friendly with all of the Broken Isles reputations to unlock World Quests to complete “Defending the Isles” for my class hall campaign. Can’t do any quests in Suramar and from what I’ve researched I need to start the chain at Khadgar.

I tried the various party sync fixes listed here but cannot get him to phase in no matter what we do. Hoping there’s news or a hotfix soon.

Adding to the chain of complaints here. Khadgar will not appear in the violet citadel. Trying to do the uniting the isles quest to unlock the zone Argus.

Adding to this, He is misisng on my main ( who completed TWW quest etc ) and my alts, He is not in the Violet Citadel at all on my alts. Hope for a fix soon as a blue post mentioned a hotfix was suppose to fix it but it did not, Really want to unlock more class halls on my alts and i can not do so

My level 80 does not see him at all in Dalaran, In none of the locations and he completed the TWW campaign etc

Same issue here. Trying to turn in ‘Magic Message’ and Khadgar is phased out of Dal after starting TWW quests. Party-Sync not working. Was really looking forward to getting my class hall mount, please fix this soon… I spent hours trying to find a work-around.

Same issue. Can’t start ‘Trail of Echoes’ due to Kadgars absence. Happened to my 70 pre-starting TWW quest. However it seemed like once I started the Harbinger quest chain that phased Kadgar in the Chamber of the Guardian, he just vanished from Violet Citadel.

Edit: I also have an open ticket on the matter. Waiting on first response for about 24 hours now.

Any update on this, Khadgar is still missing for me on my main and my alts

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Same. Super disappointing! PLZ FIX. Also you crash in the building looking for him. Quest I’m on is Burning Inside. Last steps for class mount after long quests beforehand!


Still missing…

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Fwiw, they’ve updated the relevant support article saying that it doesn’t have a fix, but they’re working on it.


Good enough for me. Thank you for the update!

That’s something at least, it’s almost a month with this problem.

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A update
Yep he is completely missing on my DK, Druid, And Mage sees him in the chamber for TWW content. So this effetely makes legion content Dead because he starts so many quest chains, Now i think its related to radiant song quest… But it seems that he is still completely missing

Edit - It seems that once you hit level 68, Being forced to get a quest about Radiant Song is what causes the issue, My Paladain which is level 64 was able to see him in Dalaran, So it seems the quest Radiant song is messing up Khadgar in Dalaran


I’m so frustrated by this and about to quit again because half the reason I still play is to grind stuff like class hall appearances and mounts. It’s broken on all max level characters as soon as Chromie brings you back, even when you have a Khadgar quest turn in. Maddening as hell this has been broken for over a month now.


I’m not sure how exactly I got khadgar to show up while helping my friend but can list some steps I took to hopefully help others trying to figure it out.
(He is a level 70 paladin from Mop remix and couldn’t see Khadgar at all except for in the chamber of the guardian related to the Harbinger & War Within quests.)

He completed the Harbinger questline which I think you do need to complete, because if not he and other NPC’s will not be in the chamber of the guardian to offer quests related to TWW - however Khadgar was still missing after completing that questline.
He appeared in the chamber in the first room down the stairs with all the artifacts displayed on the wall. For us, he offered the option “quest i’m ready to depart”. Tried that, did a couple quests after Dalaran crashes in Khaz’Algar and then decided to port back and see if that fixed it. Khadgar was still not in the Violet Citadel so we went back to the chamber of the guardian and he suddenly had the option to skip the war within intro and fast port to Dornagol. Clicked that and talked to Brann to select an area on the map to quest in. Ported back to dalaran and Khadgar appeared in the Violet Citadel.

To note, I believe you will have to do The War Within initial quest to teleport to Silithus, but choose the option to skip that.
It seemed very odd that Khadgar offered the option to skip when I talked to him in the Chamber a handful of times and didn’t offer that option, only the I’m ready to depart option.

Hope this helps somehow, There’s a lot of hoops to jump through and this may not fix it 100% for some people.

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This worked!

It should be noted that it seems you have to be on the same realm for it to work also?"
I had a lower level alt on a different server, couldn’t get it to work finally made a new character on the realm we play on and it fixed the issue.

that is what i said, why use the legion dalaran there are other ones to use. they should have used the one dalaran from dragonblight. as its all about dragons and its just sitting there doing nothing.

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I can report that Khadgar has re-materialized in the Violet Citadel for my four timerunners. I’m not sure what changed. It could be that I completed the campaign on my main for TWW (the main one, not the level up one). It could also be that the devs are making progress. Either way I’ve been able to pick up Uniting the Isles on all four. Let’s hope this holds.