Gnome Mage named Unit in Fade to Black (GM/Officer)
Tauren/goblin named Xxl in Dabu Guild (GM)
i miss you, gukdak/burn/ayaa. come back to me. let us once again raid under the iron boot of Thorgath once more.
I just made a Khadgar Discord channel (I’m a nub at this) if anyone is interested
$ (remove the $ won’t let me post links)
I played a female night elf warrior called “Eieliray” (Guild: SOAR)
I can’t remember a lot of names but I rlly miss a lot of you!
I used to play on Zyree or Hexxie. I was guild leader of Sword and Shield. Not sure if anyone would remember me haha.
Hey all, played a warrior named Sentra early on, but my twink Santy (dwarf priest) was probably more recognizable. I mean there was a horde twink guild called “Santys Bane”
Yo! I was a Night Elf Warrior named Seckro. Was part of Mojo Clan
during the MC days. Remember people like Poe and a night elf warrior that always used Growth potions named Garr. Always looked up to em.
I remember Gukdak in all his damn AQ Tier2.5 armor and looking dope as hell. And Ayaa in pally Tier 3. I think I only got tier 3 bracers back then but I did have that healer shield from I think Grobbulus?
Believe we used to duel outside Shattrath in TBC with a paladin named Karig. Definitely remember pvping at times!
Hey!! WOW!
It’s been at least what? 12 YEARS?! It’s wonderful to hear from both of you! You just made my day!
I remember such great times raiding with both of you! I still think back to those days.
I am doing well. I hope you two are doing well too!
I will be playing classic. Will you be?
Sounds likely PvP is like all I did
Vactra human mage . Was in The Brethren. Good to see names i recognize
Draaven. Human Paladin. Was in Scion. Still play Retail on Khadgar with a few other vanilla peeps. I’ll be in Classic as well.
I mained a Druid named Zevach during classic/BC - if anyone from PPC in Largo remembers me hit me up!
Priestperson, if you see this, add my gamertag.
Astra, here. Self proclaimed Queen of the Gnomes and former warlock of Scion. Battlenet ID Astra#1532. Looking for some old Scion members and friends on Khadgar from a decade and a half past. Those were the best of times. Ayaa, if you see this please contact me.
/wave Hello Draaven!
Hail, Thorgath!
Hey Sorry! Marenkia is an old character of mine and for some reason, my other device defaulted to that character for the response.
Staples? I dont think so? But it’s been so long lol. Was that a character of yours?
Dude yes! As soon as you said Thinning that jogged my memory haha.
You playing classic?? Add me up! Andross64#1557