I was Ulaenyth,
a Night elf warrior.
I was prot spec through out vanilla,
The Mojo Clan in MC, never made it past MC and ZG with that guild.
I played a Dwarf Hunter named Salbar. I was in a lot of guilds back in Vanilla and BC but the one I remember the most was Mojo Clan.
It would be really cool to see if I can find anyone I remember!
I was Crimsonian, a human paladin, on Khadgar: mostly ret spec while levelling (slowly !) through Vanilla, then holy for Molten Core and onward raiding.
I started raiding with Undenying Gods at first in Molten core, then went to The Forsaken Knights and then got into Heroes of TFK at the same time as Morleck, another paladin. Got inducted just in time to participate in Heroes of TFK’s first Nefarian kill ! What a rush ! Still remember it to this day ! Then came the day of Ascension, which then morphed into Rapture, coming into TBC…
A big shout out to all those old-timers I played with at the time, who left me with unforgettable memories: Fumomono, Lliese, Profitt, Tyghra, Arowin, Mel, Melmoose, Midgetmaniac, Dre, Dragonzbane, Belthazor, Snowfoot (who, at a whopping level 42, which made my jaw drop to the floor, ran me and a couple of young paladins through Shadowfang Keep for our paladin mace quest), Aphrael, Liljon, Kanshin, RSPriest, Siuan, Morleck, Tifkar, Thon, Romeo, Bathomula, Obiwoncanoli, Berix, Sarutobi, Ralina, Alana, Malfuryun, Spaz and too many others to list here !
And… Oh yes… I still remember a couple of Hordies who used to make us sweat, like Nyfe and Vaper, who made my levelling through Duskwood that much more challenging !
I’ll probably play day one on a normal server… Looking forward to meeting some of you again there !
Add me if you feel like it ----> Crimsonian #1387
Yes to all those names you put up lol and add an Alana in there!
I don’t want to spam this thread, but if anyone is interested in forming a guild or alliance of guilds for classic check out:
$https://discord.gg/tCdJBq4 (remove the $ won’t let me post links)
The channel is still in its infancy but we have reps from Scion, LoH, Heroes of TFK and The Brethren. Don’t be shy!
Teelah signing in here. I played in The Cutting Crew all through Vanilla as a tank. However most will probably remember me more from BC as the Main Tank and eventual GM of CounterAct. Looking forward to see you all in Vanilla.
Haven’t seen anyone else sign on from The Cutting Crew yet.
RRRUUUBBBYYYYYY. Anyone remember Poe and his multitude of characters?
Played a PROT human warrior named Desdichado that led the 500 player plus guild Rose Of Sharon
i vaguely remember your name haha
I was also is Mojo clan for a while!
Trajer! It’s Kegbane! How’ve you been, dude?
I remember you, Lyfe. I was a holy paladin named Kegbane.
Skorion, what’s up? This is Kegbane, one of the holy pallies from LoH. How’ve you been?
Hey, I played a night elf rogue I think named Adelais in a guild called Twilight Council. They were mostly military guys, and as a kid I really looked up to them. They were always so cool, and kind to me. I vividly remember doing Gnomeregan while on Skype! Haha. Anyway, I can’t remember all their names. There was a Ardorin/Kerick and a guy named Info.
Anyway, I hope you are doing well Thanks for the fun times gaming.
adabaia ne druid
my brother was a hunter jubani
and my dad was a warrior davba we were in mojo clan and big bounty pirates
bbp adabaia, davba and jubani
Burn and Gukdak always bullied my shaman Bubu
I played as Gusted, a Night Elf Hunter from the raiding guild Fusion, where I was the hunter class leader throughout our clears of MC/BWL/AQ40 and most of Naxx.
Oh no, not Thorgath. Also: hey, Astra!
Hello to all my fellow realm mates! I was the second guild leader of Heroes of Legend and I am looking for anyone that was part of the guild to possibly restart it back up in Classic.
Mage - Darkhearth
Warrior - Golems
Warlock - Darigan