Khadgar Alliance Reconnections

Hey there all! Crazy to see some familiar names from the server back in the day. I was/am a night elf druid named Spazer. I was in Order of the Eagles, The Brethren, and a pvper. Also played a human paladin named Spaztank. Not sure if I will play classic yet but man it is good to see some familiar names!

@Shril Well there’s only one thing to say…


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I played a human warrior name Thonso, was in Power Rangers with Rulez. Also was in knights of the cow king briefly but then got kicked. Also had a tauren shaman named Dalarn in team envy

Does the word staples mean anything to you?

I played as Vullkan, a dwarf hunter. I can’t remember any guilds I was in or names of people I played with but maybe someone remembers me which would be fun :).

This is Vartrin, Human, Warlock, of the Forsaken Ones and BlØØD. I’m still looking for any old members who left and are looking to reconnect for Classic or even retail.

Hey ya’ll! One of my characters was Kaelexia and Kaeldknight etc… I mostly played alliance and mostly on khadgar. I used to be in two guilds that I can recall, One was Sinister Creed, and the other was Maelstrom Vanguard. I miss you guys and would love to meet up again in classic…

What’s up Lyfe! I was going through the people from LoH in my head by class yesterday, and there was a dwarf priest I couldn’t think of… Now I know! Haha. It’ll be interesting to see who will come back for Classic. I’ll probably be mostly with a different guild but I’d like to keep a character around for my Khadgar buddies.

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What’s up people!? I honestly don’t really recognize many people who have already posted but I leveled in Ruby and eventually joined TheBrethren, Order of Eagles, ZOD, Archaic, and briefly Scion before leaving the server. I will be rolling Horde on a West Coast PVP realm this go around. Shout out to the few close peeps I had in classic, Mackdaddy, Onihikaru (spelling?), Bardy, and Mannan (spelling?) If you guys are still around hit me up.

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Posted this on horde side but enjoy (Burn’s master of pain)
I was Unkillable 60 undead rogue

I’m not the original Jomad sorry to disappoint.

Hmm, TheBrethren sounds familiar - maybe Kitten and Sensafyne were in there at some point?

I’m Zartha (human mage)

Hey, there’s a vaguely familiar name - Spaz waves (Zartha, human mage - I forget which guild I was in at the end of classic/begining of TBC - eventually moved from there to Breakfast Champions and then CounterAct)

I see my name

I had the characters Demondruidx, Shædowhunter/shadowhunter for easier typing.

I’m looking for a druid named Cezanne;
A hunter named Krynanni or something similar along those lines;
A nelf that went by the name Rorasmira;

I hope you guys are either coming back and or doing well wherever life has taken you so far.

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Was Onihikaru a paladin?

I played a human mage named Ameryl in Reverence(Australian guild) if anyone wants to hit me up.


Hey dudes.
I played a druid named Skorion in Vanilla. I was in a few random guilds as I raided with MCRA, until I eventually joined and raided with Legacy of Honor. Not sure yet what I’ll be doing in classic.


yes that was us. we did kara over and over. I was co guild leader with thinning

ooh, perpetual Kara… first guild I’d been doing MC with a bit at the end of classic - we could just barely get through to the Huntsman & even did the basement with the animal ‘bosses’…

Hey, posting with my proper Khadgar character now… better.

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