Keycloning software clarification

If hardware work arounds were to be banned this would be implemented instead of just software, They would of banned it outright, It has nothing to do with the spirit of the rule the above is what would of been put into Terms of service.

what blizzard says is no software mirroring, They have not said no multi boxing

If they did say no multiboxing that would mean no hardware boxing either, They full well know who is or isn’t boxing from server side, They don’t need to rely on warden to figure that out.

isboxer uses the same input style as most bots do wich is a software input only bots do it more aggressively, And recently botters have been back tracking their inputs to also work through multiboxer software, Banning software but allowing hardware (Which is an order of magnitude harder to bot through) means boxers can still box

But botters are easy to pinpoint and nail as there’s no risk of innocents being in the area that blizzard nukes with the power of ten-thousand ban hammers.

I’m not sure what my comment had to do with “spirit of the rule”, I’m simply mentioning what another company did to combat what they say as a problem for their game. My intent was to say that if Blizzard got to the point where they thought Step 1 wasn’t being sufficiently useful to improve the situation, they might then move to Step 2. Step 1, after all, has caused enough of a kafuffle without putting the foot down completely.

You don’t really know that though. Yes the odds are in your favor currently regarding Blizzards wording, but still in some way it was noticed by Blizzard. This policy can update in any moment to also mention physical Multiboxxers. In the end, its up to Blizzard to see if this change fit their vision with this ban of third party software.

You don’t do “Half” measures as a company, You go fully through, You ahve lawyers for a reason this is something lawyers would handle if you wanted to get rid of Boxing.

Half measures means bad PR all around and a weak view from the customer base.

Blizzard is targeting bots and telling us to get out of the firing line by making us use hardware multi-casters, nothing more. Companies exist to make money, We make them more money and we aren’t as harmful as the negative nancies may think we are, Despite what that one Belf paladin would have you think.

Contracts are very clear, They define what we can and cannot do, If blizzard wanted multi boxing gone, They would make it entirely there, The truth is blizzard doesnt want to lose a lucrative part of it’s player base and we don’t cause an REAL damage.

Botters cause damage

Botters cause legal problems

Botters cost money

Botters can disrupt server infrastructure and many botters are using modded clients to allow phasing through walls wich becomes exploitative and can make servers unstable.

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Multiboxers are not a lucrative part of their player base, they are a minority. And again, you don’t know yet. This could be a test the waters scenario, or as you’ve said its just easier to ban the program. If this ban doesn’t accomplish their ideals for the game, its more than possible it can be updated to reflect phyiscal Multiboxers. We honestly just don’t know the extent of this ban, and time will tell.

Time the revealer of all things :slight_smile:

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It’s easier to just ban the program than it is to try and sift through who is and isn’t botting via a broadcaster, Doesn’t mean it can’t be done, Just means it’s easier to ban the program and costs less resources afterall


And if you think boxers aren’t incredibly lucrative your wrong.

I know 3 people with 100 character box setups, All of them pay via tokens wich are 20 dollars flat.

thats 3x100 per month or 300 subs per month, at 300*20 or wait for it 6k a month or better yet, 72,000 a year, That’s 3-4 peoples wages depending on their roles JUST FROM THREE CUSTOMERS, THREE

Now i’d wager there is about 100,000 people globally boxing be it 2-100 characters, They are making a very chunky amount of SUSTAINED steady income

Ps: that doesn’t include the cost of an expansion 300* 49 dollars (cheapest option here) is what? a potential income of nearly 100k per year out of 3 people.

I would like to believe Blizzard cares more about the health of the game rather than a community buying many accounts. Maybe I am wrong though? :woman_shrugging:

Oh come on now, Blizzard does ‘half measures’ all the time. And its often slow to ultimately fix problems because its original fixes didn’t work. Do you think for one moment that if they find a situation like this wasn’t working one way or the other, that they wouldn’t change it?

I have a bit more confidence in my appreciation of Blizzard’s methodology than that. And lawyers aren’t required because Blizzard has repeatedly stated that they don’t support mboxing. They have allowed it only. And if they decide to not allow it, they are entirely within their rights to do that because they never actively supported it in the first place.

Systemlands would suggest you’re wrong but we’ll see come 10.0 lol

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Nah they will get reported and the multiboxer can claim “ i was not using software I was using something else”. Then Blizzard will decide if that is enough to ban or not. They can still ban you for key cloning via hardware. It all looks the same to a player that reports and a report reviewer.

“Uuuuhh. I use the hardware defense”

“Sir it looks exactly the same as key cloning software. We cannot verify that you used hardware. Please stop or get suspended”.

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A software cloner will be visible in memory that Warden has access to and logs, You think the only thing that talks back to blizzard is just YOUR input?


This sounds like something that would take place at a new gaming company made 45 minutes ago :rofl:

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yeah but do so at your own risk people will be reporting you super fast and your account will still be actioned whether you are using “software” or not

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Suuure. Why dont you try it and well see how it goes

That’s wishful thinking on your part.

The software to control them all at once is now banned. So that means you have them up. You just can’t control them all at once.

Replying to myself just to give an update on my previous comment…
This blue post indeed seems to kill even hardware multiboxers, effectively gutting multiboxing as we know it. My take from that post is just plain old alt tabbing and controlling one window at a time is all that they will allow. In any case with the software option gone from the original announcement, multiboxing is dead.
Controlling them “individually”, to me means not even hardware splitting would be allowed, since sending that mouse/keyboard to 2 or more clients violates the blue statement here.

Technically 0 as you can keybind interact at mouse cursor to a key so you can have

Press key 1 interact, alt tab, press key 1 interact etc then 2 to start mounting and 3 to follow with 4 as a ground targeted spamable aoe to clear mobs if needed.

Your post makes no sense, what is allowed and not allowed can be changed as easily as changing the terms of service. You then can choose to abide by the new terms of service and use the software or decline and cease playing the game.

The use of hardware keystroke replication or software replication is irrelevant, it is the playstyle that is harmful to the game and should be ended. One keystroke equals one action on one character - anything else is botting. Basically, you are playing one character and the rest are just bots.