Keycloning software clarification

With software, but you can with hardware :wink:

Sigh… loopholes. At least less people will be inclined to use it. I do hope they update their policy to include hardware.

I still can’t figure out how they’d do that. They’d have to forbid multiboxing altogether wouldn’t they?

Not necesarrily. I can have two of the clients up. One on horde and one on alliance. I don’t control them at the same time. What’s disruptive is controlling them at the same time at the press of a button. The change was put in due to community feedback and the health of the game, the rationale was given. The behaviour of controlling many characters with the click of a button is frowned upon. Not the having all those characters at the same time. The power that comes from one simple mouseclick is pay to win.


I don’t feel like getting into the “there’s nothing to win” argument right now. I’ve only been awake a few hours, maybe around midnight

I like the cheap prices they bring. I hate that my time is less worth grinding stuff that they grind. I hate fighting them in bgs/ashran when they are all boomkins/ranged characters. I more dislike them then like them tbh.

Thats just running multiple clients but thats not what the problem is.

People are creating multiple actions with a single keypress. How they are doing it is irrelevant. The result is the same. Its keystroke duplication.

I only started boxxing in June been playing since BC rarely ran across them so my experience leads me to not have any bad feelings towards the practice :man_shrugging:

Yes we’ll you benefitted from it I guess? I too would like to pwn noobs with 5 characters at the press of one button, but is it fun for the other guy?

It means you need to manually tab between all clients without a software.

I don’t MB pvp
I don’t gold farm as a multiboxer

I only started multiboxing because Blizz won’t raise the character cap past 50. If there was a higher character cap, say 75 I would have never started. I had no interest in it but I had to make another account since I wanted more characters :man_shrugging:

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I do have another account. I find having two accounts is fun because there is so much downtime when soloing old stuff. like 90 second dialogues before getting to a boss fight. I just don’t use software to control both characters at once.

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I didn’t see a reason not to since I already had to play multiple accounts. I went from 47 120s wondering what I was going to do and now I’m about to ding my 126th 50 with room for another 124 if I need :heart_eyes_cat:

No one does now :rofl: well besides botters, they don’t care what changes Blizz makes to their policy


It really is easy to level and have so many toons though. Uff I wish they had ways to increase character cap besides having separate accounts tbh.

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You don’t have to ask, they made it clear. The change is to address a growing tread to use such software to help automate bots. They have updated their mutlibox policy to make it clear that doing so it not against the rules, provided you don’t use software to echo commands to other clients.

Yeah me too :weary:

Oh young Kaurmine, no idea he was going to become a multiboxer at that time lol.

With the newfound leveling changes I expect more people to run into the problem of needing more accounts. They won’t be multiboxing now though unless they are tech nerds lol

I used to play a korean mmo where you had to make separate accounts for separate characters (classes) on the same server and it was fun to have to tab and play them differently. Hide one and heal with it then switch to a dpsing toon. The program to do that at a press of a button sort of elimantes any skill from it though.