Keyboard not working in-game?

Is anyone else experiencing this and/or know a fix? I can mouse turn but nothing on my keyboard is working otherwise. :frowning:


Check your binds. Make sure they didn’t get erased due to a hiccup with the patch or something. I can’t think of any other reason it would work to type on the forums but then not work in-game.

It’s happened before with the hotkey to swap action bar pages. They didn’t reset to default, they just got unbound.

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Yeah I checked keybindings, they are all set. It wont even let me use Esc to open the options menu or Enter to open chat, but I can right click someones name and select Whisper to open the chat field…Blergh


New patch, so I suppose it could potentially be broken addons? Disable all of them, see if the issue persists.

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I deleted all of my addons before logging in, some of them our bound to break something when a new big patch is released.

If you use addons like bartender, etc. that allows for custom UI modification, hot keys, etc. the patch likely broke any such addons.

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If you have any keybinding related addons installed, remove them and restart, see what happens.

Rename your cache, interface and WTF folders (I usually just stick BAK at the beginning of them) and let the game regenerate those files.

That fixes 9/10 issues.

The bit in quotations after this is important if you don’t want to have to redo all of your addon settings. WTF stores addon settings.

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For me it was the SimpleArmory addon that was blocking all keybindings. Once disabled I could move, open menus, etc. with the keyboard just fine.

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Disabling Simple Armory and Prat 3 worked for me.


It was SimulationCraft for me that was causing the inability to use the keyboard.
I was on version v1.11.0, updating to the latest version (v1.12.0) allowed me to re-enable it without issue.

Same issue, I found that pressing Escape until the menu came up, then escape again to close it, allowed my other keys to start working. Have to do it every so often though still.

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Same thing is Happening to me did you find a fix?

My mouse isnt working either

Customer Support has some threads about this. There are a number of different addons causing this. Blizzard recommends disabling all your addons. Trial and error.

One that comes up a lot in those threads is Prat. Maybe disable that if you’re using it.

For me it was Prat causing these issues. Disabled it and able to use keybinds again.

It was Prat 3.0 for me as well.

yeah. i found spamming the esc key until the window pops up helps.

For me disabling Prat 3.0 did the trick.