Keyboard not working in-game?

yup it was prat that was causing this issue for me as well

Best thing to do after patch 8.2 launched is to go threw ur addons and see what one is not letting ur keyboard work…

i disabled all mine and now i can use keyboard… now going threw to see what is causing it

Yeah my keyboard was not working either. I disabled PRAT and now working again

I had to basically run with no addons at all.

Yep same, for some reason it happens everytime i login for like a minute until i spam buttons till it works.

Probably either a bug or an addon thing unsure

SimpleArmory was the cause of it for me

SimpleArmory and Prat 3.0 worked for me as well!

Mythic Plus Helper is doing it too. Turn it off.

Thanks, it was simple armory for me. Thanks again :):grinning:

If anybody is still having this issue, disabling PassLoot worked for me

Edit: I started having this issue when shadowlands launched, so I looked for fixes, I saw alot of Prat and SimpleArmoury, I don’t have those, saw someone name Simcraft, so tried that, didn’t work, so I process of elimination’d dat stuff and found the addon passloot to be the culprit of my issue, thought I’d post it here in case others still had this issue

I went through the thread and its almost exclusively some type of addon. I have never installed an addon yet my keyboard randomly stops working in game. Completely random. I don’t see any recognizable pattern. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

PLEASE READ THIS >>> I just had the issue tonight i was trying to install a steelseries head set and same thing happen … i end up moving the usb port and keyboard kicked back online but issue was still with opening of wow and were mic was ported and next to keyboard … very very weird it was all working until wow was open? but switch port fixed the issue i hope this helps someone in future because it would suck but a new keyboard or mouse or headset over something weird with a usb port and wow opening up… Its such a wierd fix to a issue and a odd issue but My stuff is working so beats me what was wrong

I have to ask did you download microsoft up dates before this happened?