Issue with patch

8.2 is so advanced, you control the game with the power of your mind alone! Nothing so feeble as a keyboard and mouse! muahahahah!

On a more serious note. I can’t help you with this issue since I’m not in front of my gaming computer right now. Have you tried rebooting?


I think I’m gonna wait a while to log in.

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Iv’e restarted the client 3 times and rebooted the PC. Same result. Also put it into a different USB to see if it was on my end. Because it was working this morning before the 8.2 patch

Put your fingers on your temples and say ne,ne,ne,ne,ne,ne out loud.


N’zoth is actually playing for you, guess you should’ve removed the gift from your head, huh?


You’re not the only one:

It’s definitely a patch issue. Try disabling all addons to see if that fixes it. If not, try unplugging your keyboard and plugging it back in, see if it updating that way gets it to work – sounds like you did that though.




I will as soon as twitch/curse decides to locate it. Even manual setting no find it. Too many to do them all manually.

No, like, disable them with the ingame checkboxes. You don’t have to delete them or wait for updates to figure out if it’s the problem or not.

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People in trade chat are discussing same issue.Must be a problem on a bigger spectrum. hope it gets resolved OP.

Oh I know, I’m not logging in until things sound like they’re getting fixed though lol.

Anybody else having major artifacting/graphical glitches in Sithilus right now?

blizz optomized the new patch for DH’s and Rets so they could use their garage door openers to play the game


Aaaah, patch day glitches. How I miss thee.

Makes me glad I am working late today.

Or just at all.

I logged in from work (don’t tell my boss) just to see the zones and the place was so packed with people i’m also glad i’ll be working late.

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You most likely have an out of date addon that is breaking input. For me, it was my chat window addon. Once I disabled it, everything works.

Ditto, also at work, watching the carnage unfold.

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It is happening to me after every cut scene. Glad i am not the only one.