Key leavers, the final solution

owo -kicks pug to invite a buddy at last boss-


You talk about this like it’s such a huge issue and it isn’t. It’s not that common that people leave really. I’ll leave my own key if the group just sucks or we screwed up. It’s not that big of a deal.

And ya, as tank you have a huge impact on everything in the dungeon, alot more than anyone else. Good tanks help dps do more damage and have good routes. Bad tanks make things a trainwreck.


Oh my friend needs loot and IO, kicks you out of the group and summons friend.
Same in reverse for selling carries. Run a +20 to the last boss and have a friend leave and bring in a carry.


Ok, and?

People are still buying carries anyways.

Yep. Still blaming the tank 100% of the time. Ya know there are memes for people like you.

I disagree, I think keys +20 and above should not deplete because they already “beat” the content and progression. There are tons of players right now with ~+15 keys that were carried there due to valor farmers. I’ve been in multiple groups where they are not ready mechanically and skill wise.


So punish the people who drop a failed run, but not griefers or people who will just afk?

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Get out of here. I tank too and my tank is alot higher io than yours. And I will blame myself if I screw things up.

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Change M+ to stop being a chest at the end of a run and instead be loot per boss.


Then you have even more leavers who only need loot from a certain boss. Dude, do you not know how to think ahead?


Just because your IO is higher doesn’t devalue the work I put into mine.

notice how your “solution” is leading to a chain of extra changes?


Double down. I said DOUBLE DOWN.

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then ppl leave after the boss they need. didnt that happen with memories earlier on?

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uhh uhh, we modify the loot tables to put good stuff at the end!

I didn’t say that. But your weird idea that I have it out for you because you’re a tank is crazy. You brought that up. I didn’t even look at your spec.

If people are frequently leaving your runs and you are tanking, then you should probably run lower keys and figure out what you are doing wrong or change to DPS.


For sure, but I wonder if it would still happen if the friend joining is not eligible for loot or rating, but the leaver still is (like it is now). As it stands, even if we 4 man a dungeon, the 5th can still get the loot.

I know if I had a friend who was stuck on the last boss in a dungeon because 1 dps left, I would totally join just to help them out, even if I get no rating, valor, or loot.

Oh noooooooo. Itd be like the exact same way it works in Classic. That would be the woooooooorst because we all know Classic dungeons never get completed.

The current M+ design is extraordinarily toxic for the players given that you can basically get a run being tanked because of a bad actor. No system is perfect, but I’d rather have more flexibility the way the older dungeon systems worked.

Either way, it would make carries easier. If the leaver gets loot and the new person coming in doesn’t then the paid carry leaves after the first pull. Carry comes in and finishes the rest.

It is “toxic” to a small fraction of the M+ player base. The loud and vocal minority.