Key leavers, the final solution

While there is logic behind that statement, it’s simply not accurate. Common denominators work in statistics, but when put into actual practice they are nothing more than “one of many possible correlations”. You use that statement to claim that the OP is the common denominator, but you only know one piece of information. There are a lot of possible correlations that you don’t even know about any number of which could be (and almost certainly are) more common with why people leave runs than the presence of any single individual.

Are you implying Blizzard got M+ design perfect on the first try?

It’s a 6 year old system. It’s flawed.

Ah… yeah. That is likely what would happen. And if they remove the loot eligibility for the leaver… I guess people with legit DCs would be at a loss. Though honestly, I never really liked that even if someone leaves they can get the loot, even if it’s a legit DC.

Fair enough, but do keep in mind, my experience stems more from groups that come in just over time for keys, we are talking like 10% or less, if not less then 5% over. I.E. the range that we likely know the mechanics or have the skill but fumble/trip at the finish line.

I’d say decently reduced score/rating earned means a 1 key level depletion, no score means a 2 key level depletion. It is just annoying being in between levels (12s too easy, 13s too hard) when dealing with pugs.

Citation needed

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I mean I would be on board with keys staying the same level if completed within 5-10% overtime, since 40% over equals zero score anyway.

That’s not the implication at all. Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. My implication was that your suggestion was bad.

It goes both ways, do you have citations that state that leavers are frequent?

-and no forum doesn’t count as data.

OP, ask your parents why they never taught you to compartmentalize or process failure. This will be a far better usage of your time, trust me.

It’s always a tanks fault isn’t it.

I’m sorry, but I will not spend 1.5 hours in a 15 b/c people are being dumb.


You only called me out on saying my solution had lots of changes which, at best, means I could infer that you think change is bad.


You made the claim, not me. You are the one who needs to back up the claim that its minor and vocal, all I said was the design is toxic for the players which is just my own opinion on the state of the system.

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This definitely needed another thread.


Not always, but the tank has a major impact on how a key runs.

I like the idea. But how about you get no strikes if you leave after any 2 wipes? Expecting people to stay after a wipe does not seem like a lot to ask, but not 2.

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Not always, but the tank does need to own up to his own blunders that happen. I often apologize for any I made in the run, and it is not uncommon for the group to be like “eh, no problem”.

The thing is, at best the tank should be first among equals in the run, but DPS that don’t interrupt or dump all mechanics on the tank (like spear in SoA) might need to take a step or 2 back, as maybe the tank seldom did it cause someone else always knew how to do it and got it done faster.

Oh boy I’ve definitely killed some keys. Mostly with bad Avengers Shield bounces. Feels bad, apologize, and learn.


Just going to say the phrase “the final solution” is kinda scary…

this is what i just said.

So how you went from “my suggestion might be bad”
all the way to
“m+ is a perfect system with no way to improve” is interesting as an understatement.

Been there, done that, started using judgement if I thought AS was going to cause issues. Also, as Venth (I know, I know, Kyrian is top for prot paladin M+) if an over pull happens, I tend to slam down Ashen Hollow and wings to get solid threat and a jump on damage/healing.